Tuesday, October 21, 2008


A harvest capture from the State Fair. We always love to go in the "Farm" section and let the kids pick the crops and send them to market. I enjoy seeing all of the crops we grow in NC and take pictures of them to show my students. I seem to always learn something new and this year was no different. :)

I thought I would show some updated pics of Sampson and Isabelle!! They are now a little over 12 weeks. I can't believe we have already had them 6 weeks. I am seeing the kitten "look" starting to fade. I guess they would be considered around Wesley and Mikayla's age now if we were thinking of cat years/months. lol They are so much fun and doing really well. They are still spazzing at night when we are trying to sleep so we can't let them stay in our room but I enjoy them cuddling with me before I go to bed. Usually when I grade papers they are right there... chewing on them and doing their own grading. My poor students have to deal with some teeth marks on their work. lol They also like to climb on LOTS of things and are amazingly agile.

I scared poor Isabelle when I was taking these pics tonight. The flash startled her and she began to run from my camera! I had to calm her down to get this shot!

Speaking of those papers... well.... there are a lot waiting for me! Better go for now...


Sal Cartusciello said...

Been a long time since we had ones that small in our house. Very cute.

Morgan said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Tooooo cute!

Amy said...

Awwwww they are just too cute! I know y'all are enjoying them!!

We have two cats in the house and we shut them in the laundry room at night. We have tried leaving them out but they just go NUTS!