Saturday, December 28, 2019

Shedding the Old Wool

I took these photos on the same visit to the sheep farm as my previous post from September. What I learned from this sheep in particular was quite interesting and it is something on which I have thought upon ever since. 

This sheep had been sick. Normally, when a sheep becomes as sick as this one, it is put down because it that is actually easier on the sheep. This one was different - this was one that through the sickness was able to survive and came out strong. I learned that the medicine the sheep needed to live reacted similar to chemotherapy given to humans today. Over time, the old wool began to release and, in time, new wool would grow. What may look repulsive is actually something wonderful.  

The Lord began to show me that this bedraggled looking sheep was actually me and you. It is a beautiful picture of what the Lord does for us as He applies the medicine of His Word to our sin-sick bodies. Our old wool - sin nature - begins to fall away and a new covering - Jesus' righteousness - begins to grow.

A few weeks ago, my brother and I were discussing the ending of the year. He was stating that he was glad that 2019 was coming to a close - it had been a rough year for him due to unexpected health problems. I then began to reflect back on years prior that I had also been glad to see leave. They were ones of sadness or huge change that caused my heart to faint.

It was then that the Lord reminded me that those years were not bad in the way I was thinking. They were actually just the Lord allowing me to be the sheep pictured above. The hardships that may have come in particular years were just ways the Lord was giving me more of His medicine, His Word, to release the old sin-cursed wool I had been carrying around for so long. In His wisdom, the Lord used those years for me to become stronger in Him and not myself.

We soon will begin the year 2020 - and a common statement with "2020" is that "Hindsight is always 20/20." It is easy to see what the Lord has done when we look back upon it, but not always easy to see when you are in the middle of it. That is where trust comes into play.

As I reflect back on the last year, I can see more of the Lord's dosing of medication that continued to  release my old wool. That sin-cursed wool will never fully be released until we see Jesus face-to-face, but I am thankful for the lessening of its heaviness and the ease of the Lord's yoke. I am reminded of these verses in Matthew 11:29-30:

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

As more of my old wool was being shed, He continued to help me...
  • realize I have need of nothing - He provides generously and in His time.
  • know that He will always lead me to the green pastures and still waters for my refreshment.
  • be thankful when He alone restores my soul.
  • trust Him to lead me even when it is dark - He never leaves my side.
  • learn to love His rod and staff as they comfort and correct.
  • understand that He knows what is best for me and prepares what I need ahead of time to make me stronger in Him.
  • rest in His care.
  • joyfully accept that His goodness and mercy are with me even now in this earthly life.

As the year comes to a close and another one begins anew, I seek to release more old wool. I longingly want to lean closer into my Good Shepherd's arms as He carries me close to Him. I hunger to be like the sheep pictured below - resting, and chewing on the green grass of His Word as I am content in Him alone. I want to be covered with His righteousness and not my own.

In that resting, I desire to lean upon the Lord my Rock. 

I pray that 2020 will be a year of expectation instead of only a hindsight view. I may not know what lies ahead, but I know that my Shepherd will be there every step of the way helping me shed old wool and replacing it with NEW.