Wednesday, August 20, 2008


These are pictures of a crystal parrot I photographed at one of our friend's houses this summer. I found out very quickly just how hard it is to photograph crystal. lol The first two pictures are basically the same... you just see I used a different aperture in them.

Wesley found a skink this afternoon and actually caught it. (a skink is kind of like a lizard, but it isn't because it is a skink.. lol) I told him he could keep it overnight and take it to school tomorrow. You would have thought I had given him a million dollars. His teacher will truly be happy to see that little creature and that will make him happy, too. He and Mikayla are adjusting well to second grade and working hard. I am so thankful.

I began thinking today on how "safe" I feel in my scheduled world. lol I truly live and breathe by my schedule. Now, I have learned that sometimes when a "leaf" falls in my "ant line" I have to take a deep breath and walk AROUND the leaf, but there is just sweet comfort to me to know when, where, how long, etc... I like to be on time as well as get everything fit into a day that I should. I have certain days I wash my clothes (for instance, colored clothing is always Tuesday... unless I forget because it used to be Wednesdays but with church it became a bit stressful...) Make sense? Then, in the mornings I have the kids schedule down pat so that they are up, dressed, eating breakfast, and I am making their lunches all before 6:00. When we get to school they know they read 20 minutes in the morning for their book reading requirement and then 10 minutes every afternoon. Bedtime is also scheduled so that I can get our reading in and devotions before they get to bed. They go to bed quite early since they have to get up at 5:30. There are occasional nights when that doesn't work well, and I handle it alright, but I LOVE our bedtime routines.

I realize it doesn't sound like I have mellowed in this department much from what I used to be like, but I really have. lol BUT.. I will always need, desire a schedule for my life. I even schedule how I clean. I always start in our bathroom and always start with cleaning the mirror on down to how I vacuum the rugs and into our room. I am such a creature of habit. My best friend isn't so much like that and when she helps me clean out sometimes she goes in fifty different directions attacking the cleaning while I am going "WAIT, we haven't started in the bathroom!" LOL!!

So, how many of you have things in your life that make you feel "safe?" What are your comfort zones? I am duct taped into mine. lol


Amy said...

Kellie, I'm a schedule-follower too! Our old neighbors called me the "military mom" because I like my life in order, bedtimes the same, etc. I'm really not that rigid, I am flexible, but I still like there to be as little chaos as possible. She thought thtat because we were complete opposites, she had zero schedule and order. :)

p.s. Do you like my new avatar? I did a self-portrait today. Just held the camera out and clicked, this is what came out. Anika took some shots of me too (with her camera), so I'll see what she has and maybe change it.

Amy said...
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Amy said...

As you know I am also a schedule/routine person. Kyle says I am in a rut but I sure do love my rut lol. It is comforting for me to know what will happen when.

Ewwww about the skink. We have a lot of those around our house. They creep me out. Lizards don't bother me but a skink...eeeekkkk

Sal Cartusciello said...

I know nothing about this schedule/routine stuff you are talking about. Doing the sheets, towels and whites on Saturday, while doing the "lights", darks and jeans on Sunday is not a schedule or routine, just "my way". :-)

Morgan was laughing as I was reading your post, because it describes me quite a bit. Gee, wonder why we bacame friends.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Kellie, What a cute post! I love your analogy of the ant line and the leaf throwing your schedule off! I am a creature of habit, that is my "comfort zone." But not so much a schedule follower, although I wish I were! I would drive you insane, cleaning house! LOL!

Hope school is going well! My kids started today. Kevin and I have both enjoyed your tractor picture series! Thanks for sharing them! ~Rhonda :)

Gretchen said...

My 'safety zone' is my kitchen.
Even if the rest of the house is a mess, I NEED my kitchen counters to be cleaned off. No piles!!!

I wish I were more scheduled (especially on the cleaning/laundry thing). I have found that if I clean on Thursday or Friday nights, then I enjoy the weekend a whole lot more.

Shelly said...


I've been meaning to tell you that I love your blog! I try so hard to schedule but I feel like I'm always behind. Maybe you can give me lessons! Miss you all!

Kevin said...

Oh, where have I failed you?? After so many years of trying to make you understand, I feel that I am a complete failure!!! My dearest sister, a skink is not LIKE a lizard; it IS a lizard. Maybe I can begin anew with Wesley. I am sure he will appreciate my way of "educating the masses"!