Friday, August 01, 2008


I never did show the silly picture of my two from the other day. They crack me up....

Tonight the kids had a sleepover at one of their friend's house. They are right between the ages of their two friends so it worked for both of them to go. They were SO excited and couldn't wait for them to come pick them up. I am sure they are having a blast!

Since Steve and I had no kids we decided to go see Dark Knight. Wow.. what a movie!! That thing has so many twists and turns and you cannot predict it at all. I was on the "edge of my seat" the whole time, it seemed! Really great movie.... can't wait for the next one in a few years.

I want to thank my friend Gretchen for her post the other day on those lovely food cravings we all get.... especially chocolate. You know those days (at least, I supposed you do...) where you have nothing in the house that is what you WANT, so you have to create something that will help that craving go away. lol She actually posted a picture of her "dish" that tried to fix her cravings... melted marshmallows/chocolate with some teddy grahams. (Her re-make of a smore!) She asked us what we all do in our desperate craving moments. I responded with mine... chocolate chips dipped in peanut butter. I should not have responded because I have now thought of that for a few days. Last night, I gave in.... I dipped me some chocolate chips in peanut butter and it was so stinkin' good. I truly try to watch what I eat.... especially after losing my 30 pounds! I was good, though, and didn't eat ALL I had fixed. I saved some to torture me today. Now that I have written about it, I believe I'll have to go finish it off so I won't be tempted again..... until next time. ha!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

LOL....the chocolate chips in peanut butter! That is so funny. When I "gotta have it", I just go for the peanut butter. Spoon in one hand and Skippy jar in the other. It's just now that I've changed my eating habits too, I stop at 1 spoonful instead of 1/3 of the jar! LOL....

Kellie I wanted to link you to another blogger who I think you will really enjoy. I get such a lift from her daily musings and I think you will too. She's out of Littleton, Colorado.