Saturday, August 09, 2008


Here is another tractor picture for my blogging friend, Rhonda. She wanted me to show more tractor pictures because her husband collects vintage tractors. I am going to try to post one a day for a bit of time. We'll see if I remember. lol

This next couple of pictures is of portulaca. This is a flower that I remember vividly from childhood because Mom grew it all of the time. It is drought resistant which is good around here! I took these a few weeks back. I have closeup pictures of these flowers that I will be posting later as well.

I was able to get quite a bit accomplished this morning and feel like I can "put a check in the box" on some things that were "on my back." I worked on some things for school and began to get my mind straight on some changes I'll make in the classroom.

I take a while to "chew" on something until I get it figured out. I had an issue that I really needed resolved with my classroom and I kept praying for the Lord to help me through the thought process and to get what I needed accomplished. He continues to be faithful to me even in something trivial, but big to me.

This afternoon after I did the things for school and cleaned, I took Mikayla out for some "girl time." She had worked very hard on all of her summer "stuff" they can do for school and completed all of them. I wanted to reward her for a job well done. She was so excited and loved being with just me. She told me again that she was quite sad she was not going to be in my class. I kept telling her she was going to have a great year with the teacher she is going to have and that she would be glad she didn't have to deal with "Teacher Mrs. Fowler" and then turn around and be with "Mommy." I know I would be tougher on them if I had them... and I wouldn't want to be unfair to them. Well, she said "I would not care that you were tougher.... I would love you anyway." That was so sweet. I just needed to tape record it for the teenage years!!! As I was out with her I began to get a lump in my throat. She is so precious to me and that maturity and sweetness that is coming from her just makes my heart take a leap. I still am amazed at how quickly they are growing up.

Mr. Wesley finalllllllllly finished his summer things this afternoon. We had to "light some fires" under him but he did it. I'll take him for his "date" tomorrow or the next day. Actually, he really wants to play golf with Steve, I think, than be on a "date" with me. lol BUT... that is natural and I won't say anything if that is what he wants to do. I am just thankful we made it through that summer "stuff." ha!!

We are having some friends from church over tonight. We'll probably watch the Olympics. The wife of our friends is from China so I know she is proud of her country's display. I hate we missed the Opening Ceremonies last night when we went to the ballgame.

I need to close with Isaiah 40:31 today. I know I have put it on here many times before, but this is one of my life verses. It embodies what I felt yesterday and this morning as well as keeps my eyes focused on where it should be for the school year to come.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I can't wait to see your close-ups of the portuluca, my mom grows these too. Sounds like you had a great time with Mikayla, she sounds like such a sweetie! Someday, we'll have to get together and I just know that she and Anika would hit it off splendidly! :)