Thursday, March 26, 2009


We have had Achievement Testing at school this week. I always have mixed emotions about this week every year.... in one way I love it because it is a change of pace and I get to do an art project with my students that normally I would never get to do. On the flip side of that, it is a CHANGE in my routine. lol I always feel as if I have lost time teaching during this week because of the testing. Overall, the kids really enjoy it and it gives them a break from homework and major work. It is a bit of a plus for me, too, because I don't have as many papers to grade at night!

In the afternoons of testing week I set up stations for the kids to do an art project called "Marblizing." It is basically using acrylic paint that has been watered down on top of a mixture of water/marbling powder. The watered down paint floats on top of the water mixture and they can create neat and beautiful pieces of artwork. They only use four colors of paint and pick out different colors of paper to see how it looks differently every time! The paper is put on top of the mixture, once the child has swirled the pattern, and then the adults that help me pick it up and we all "ooh" and "aaaahhhh"..... the kids love it!

I have been doing this now for 14 years and have it down to a "science." It takes a while to prepare for it and it is a bit expensive, so that is why I leave it up for 4 days and only do it during testing. The kids have to be careful coming in and out of the room because the five water/mixture pans are set up all of those days. They always do a great job!

Here are some pics of my kids from today... and you will see my own two down below. :) (I asked permission of these parents to use their child's picture on my blog.)

Here are two of my sweet little guys...

Here is where he is taking the opposite end of a paintbrush and swirling the four colors of paint together. By Thursday the kids really do a great job experimenting with the swirling and creating designs. :)

This is how they add the paint... just "drop" it on using the paintbrush. They don't put the paintbrush in the water.

You may want to click this one larger to see how the paint, once it drops, spreads out into "circles."

Once the swirling is finished, an adult places the paper on top where it "floats" and absorbs the paint.

Then, we pick up the picture and "VOILA!"... beautiful artwork.

I took these hurriedly as I was the person who rinsed the pictures to take off the marbling water. Click on the photo to see the design better.

Wesley and Mikayla got to join in the fun a couple of times this week since their room is right across the hall. :) I meant to take a picture of their artwork, but forgot.

Can you tell my daughter is humoring me by allowing me to take her picture???? lol
How many of you out there have had me and have done this? Speak out, my friends!

It is one of those memories that the kids from past years always come back and tell me they enjoyed. That makes it worth every minute of time put into it. :)


Katie said...

I remember these! I still have mine too! Those were the days my friend, and we thought they would never end...but in a few weeks they will. Can you believe it? One day we're "marblizing" shirts and papers, and the next we're ordering graduation caps and gowns. WoW thanks for all the great times in second grade!

Unknown said...

We too try to "treat" our students on State exam days - working now on an "Egg" day theme for the Thursday before Spring Break. Public school so we have to be "careful" with our activities - lots of questions about Lent this year - interesting development in a public school system - I taught in a Catholic High School for my first 5 years - I'm an Episcopalian - mother of a Priest (parish work)who is married to a female Priest (working on her doctorate - wants to teach not pastor) - fascinating conversations abound in my household.
Enjoy your blog,
Your Finger Lake friend

Katrina said...

I love your pictures of the kids enjoying the projects. I have done a similar type of marble art with preschool age children before. We used a soap solution in a shallow dish with liquid water colors dropped on the surface. The children used a short straw to blow the solution until the bubbles grew into a mound. We then put a piece of cardstock on the top of the bubbles. The popped watercolor bubbles left a beautiful marble design on the cardstock.