Thursday, March 19, 2009


I took these the other day at my Mom's... this is a beautiful color of pansy.

Crazy, crazy day. Poor Isabelle is having some issues with her "fixedness" and we had to rush her into the vet this afternoon. She is now on antibiotic for 14 days. Bless her heart.. through it all she has been a trooper. We truly thought we were "clear" because they had their check up yesterday and all was looking great. The doctor's said today that sometimes these things can pop up overnight. I'm not a vet so I don't know, but I am hating she is not feeling well. I'm just ready for Friday night.... and not doing much. lol

1 comment:

Amy said...

Poor little Isabelle, I hope these meds have her on the mend soon! Beautiful pansy, love the detail and comp in the second shot. :)