Tuesday, March 03, 2009


This is the same daffodil photographed three times. Can you see the different focus points (especially in the last two)? It was lying on the ground looking all sad... Thought the water droplets were pretty.

I forgot to mention much about the snow yesterday.... we had around 2-3 inches at our house. It is almost all gone now. I have been re-affirmed in knowing I am thankful to live in the south and not have to worry about snow for long periods of time. We did have a two hour delay today to make sure there wasn't any ice on the roads. It was a packed full day where I didn't feel like I got much accomplished!

Nothing dangerous happened to me today. Good thing to know. lol

Back to flashcards and grading papers tonight... :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Great shots with amazing DOF! I love how the water droplets magnify the petal and to me, make it look like linen. :)