Saturday, March 07, 2009


My students in the past (and present...) always had/have to "promise" to do something by raising their right hands and saying "We promise to....."blah, blah, blah", and we love you Mrs. Fowler with a purple passion!" (Don't ask where I got "purple passion" from... goes right along with my post on making up stuff. lol)

I have done that for years with them... just being silly.

Well, this year, my kiddos kind of changed that. They know I love dark chocolate, too, so they have made it say this: "We love you Mrs. Fowler with a dark chocolate purple passion!" They now say it when I do work with them or allow them to finish something before they have to work on it individually. I'm sure if someone were to walk by my room when they were saying it all together that the person would think we were doing really strange things. lol

One of my kids last week brought me some dark chocolate, which is not unusual. (It is now gone.)

One of my other kids brought in this plant. I was stunned by how pretty and unusual it was and then I read the name: Purple Passion. Not only is the name cool but it has my two favorite colors on it!!

She found it and asked her Mom if they could buy it for me. I thought that was so sweet!! It is an exotic plant from Java, Indonesia.

So... I told my kids that I literally had a "Dark Chocolate Purple Passion" week.... they loved that.

Enjoy the pics... it really is unusual!


wendy said...

That is so funny because I make my kids raise their right hand and repeat after me. It goes something like this. . ."I (I), now say your name (insert names), do solemnly swear (do solemnly swear) to. . .blah blah blah. I'll have to think of something to add at the end now. I love that whole purple passion idea.

Katrina said...

What a sweet class you have. I too love dark chocolate :)

Amy said...

What a beautiful plant! Sounds like you have a great bunch of kids!!

Gretchen said...

What a GREAT teacher you are! I know it must be tons of fun to be in your class!