Saturday, January 24, 2009


Here are some more snow pics. Glad to hear comments that you are enjoying them. Would love to hear from more of you all... HINT, HINT. lol

The next two of the barbed wire fence are the same shot, I just used different apertures... (or how much is in focus)

The other side of the barbed wire fence.

I like this first one, as far as sharpness, more than I do the second one of this shot. I like the composition of the second shot a little better. ha!

Here is something someone tagged me to do on Facebook so I decided to do it on here as well. There are some you already know if you have followed my blog for very long (or if you know me well in real life....). Others... you may not know. lol Number 22 is one of those you'll definitely know because it is what I do on here every day!

25 Random Things About ME....

1. I became a Christian at age 7 on April 9, 1979. I was in the second grade.

2. I teach second grade... and have taught it for 14 years.... at the same school where I attended for 13 years. (K-12) In fact, I arrive at school everyday around 6:40am and usually don't leave till 4:00 or after.

3. I have 16 pairs of Birkenstocks. I love them and wear them every day. I had a predicament in the snow as I had no snow boots, but plenty of Birks.... wonder if they make Birks in snow boots????

4. I can be quite OCD about some things and let other things slide. One example: I must have my forks and spoons a certain way in the drawer but my "Other" utensil drawer can be quite unorganized. Strange, I know.

5. I have set days I do the wash for certain colors or the kids. DO NOT get me off that schedule or I get a bit irritated. Only I can change the day if I so wish. lol

6. I must have my papers at school in a certain order every day and they must be stapled neatly. I cannot stand disorganized papers.

7. I cannot stand whining.

8. I love Kosher Dill pickles. I used to drink the juice when I was younger. Now I think it would make a hole in my stomach. lol I have now found baby Kosher Dill pickles with Texas Pete in them and they are AWESOME.
(Thanks, again, Mrs. Wiggs!!!!!)

9. I love to eat Mexican food. I have ventured out more in the last few years than I used to do with Mexican.

10. I have my clock set 36 minutes fast so that when my alarm goes off at 5:00am it is actually 4:24am and I can hit the snooze button 4 times and still get up when I am supposed to.... I know, crazy.

11. I cannot stand being late... ANYWHERE.

12. I love a lot of different types of music... classical, hymns, pop, etc...

13. I became an "adult" a year and a half ago and began drinking coffee. Now it is a wonderful treat Steve and I enjoy most every night when it gets cooler. It has to be decaf.

14. I cannot do any caffeine... it causes me to have the shakes and talk a lot... a lot more than I usually talk.

15. I love chocolate... dark chocolate to be more specific.

16. My favorite colors are purple and green. In fact, my favorite color to wear is green and it seems I have a lot of that.

17. I was raised as a dairy farmer's daughter and am proud of every moment of that. I wish we could go back to that way of life.

18. Sometimes I wish I had been born in the 1800's or early 1900's when life was less hectic. Of course, my brother says I would die of starvation because I wouldn't know how to live like they had to. lol

19. I am a serious home body. I love to travel, but love being at home. I could stay at home for an extended amount of time and be just fine.

20. I do not like collard greens... or white milk. Yes, I was born in the south and lived on a dairy farm. What a disappointment that was to my parents! (Thankfully, both Wesley and Mikayla LOVE those two items so I have redeemed myself there...)

21. I do not love to cook - - although when I begin doing it I am OK. It is just the thought of trying to figure out yet another thing to fix that frustrates me. My brother continues to make me cook/bake so I have no choice. lol

22. I LOVE Photography. I always have and it has grown into something a lot more as I have gotten older. I try to challenge myself when taking photographs. I over-analyze them, too, and am not satisfied if they aren't perfect. I post one every day (or so) on my blog.

23. I took Spanish and French in High School and College... and I can't remember much of either.

24. I am an extremely visual learner. You tell me something and I don't write it down and I will not remember it. That is why my computer at school has sticky notes ALL over it... as well as my message center by the phone at home.

25. We have a Sleep Number bed and my side is set to 30... yes, I like it soft. I am pretty much sucked into the bed at night. lol


wendy said...

I'm a fan of the neatly stapled papers club too :) Sorry I haven't posted any comments lately. I've been reading, just not commenting. Hopefully this bug will leave my body soon so I can get back to my normal routines in life.

Amy said...

How fun to read the tidbits about you, I really enjoyed them! :)

I know two of your readers that have never posted a comment...I'm calling them out! They found your blog through mine and told me they are faithful readers...Lisa and Katrina say hi to Kellie!!!!!!!!!!

Sal Cartusciello said...

Ok, #8 and the pickles is just strange to me. I don't see spicy dills in your fridge.

As for #10 and the clock.............