Thursday, January 08, 2009


This is a tree on top of Chimney Rock, NC. I thought it was interesting the way it had been blown up there for so long but still standing strong. That is how we feel sometimes in our Christian life, but as long as we are rooted in the Rock of Jesus Christ we can stand securely. We may look a little "bent" but that is just the character from what we have been through that shines in us.

Tomorrow I begin cross-stitching again with my students. I am looking forward to it and hope they enjoy it as well. Wesley asked me today if he could do one at home. Since Mikayla is still working on her bookmark I'll let him do one of the cross-stitches I do with my students. He is quite excited! lol

Tonight my brother and I are going to see A Chorus Line. I have never seen it before so I hope it is good. :)


Unknown said...

Daren started up his cross-stitching again. He's making some good progress. Hopes to finish this one before school is out and we will submit to the fair this year. It's already amazing. I can't wait to frame it already.

wendy said...

I taught my 3/4 graders how to cross stitch, but hadn't thought about it with 2nd graders. Do you do this for an art activity or as part of history? I'm getting excited about taking the kids to the End of the Oregon Trail - we're almost ready to start the pioneer section in the book. It's a GREAT field trip! (Too bad you're so far away, huh?)