In Chapel today one of our teacher's that starts us off each Chapel with pledges and our song for the year began to describe the little gifts from God we get each day. She was telling her granddaughter last week how they had received a gift from the Lord when they were able to see a deer standing in the middle of the field they had just passed.
I agreed with her whole-heartedly. There are so many "gifts" we receive each day and many days we let them pass us by!
As the kids and I were going to school (in the dark) this morning, I noticed another beautiful sunrise sky over the lake. It wasn't a brilliant sunrise like we have seen other times, but it was subtle and peaceful with more blues and a slight bit of orange/peach. The kids and I even took the time to comment on the reflection the colors made in the water. God gave us that.
It seems in the winter months we forget to see what is around us because of the "dead" look of everything. Spring, summer, and fall are so full of color that it is "easy" to find a "gift" God has given to us. May we realize God gives us winter, too, as a gift. May we appreciate this season of the year for what it is and enjoy each day.... because each day is a gift from the Lord.
Great Egret. Large size. All white. Yellow beak. Black legs. Commit these clues to memory, dear sister. At least you didn't say it was a White Ostrich!
BEAUTIFUL picture!!!!!!!
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