Saturday, May 16, 2009


Lilac from a neighbors house.... the second is my favorite. Click on them to see them better.

Today my parents have been married 45 years.

What a testimony of love and devotion they have been for me. They have modeled so many things for me over the years and it has been a blessing to know they have dedicated themselves to each other for so long. Before Steve and I got married my Daddy told him that the "D" word (divorce) would never be an option. It never was for them and they wanted us to be clear on that. We have never forgotten what they said.

Their life together has not always been easy. There have been struggles, heartbreak and times of uncertainty through those 45 years but through it all they have become closer to each other. Here are just a few examples of their life together and why it has grown stronger over the years:

The Lord is at the center of their marriage and always has been.

They are always thinking of the other first. It has happened on many occasions when we are together that they "fight" over who is going to clean the table first, or wash the dishes, etc. It is hilarious to watch.

Mom is the first person Daddy always sees when he comes home every day. Daddy used to always tell me growing up that Mom was first in his life before us. I used to "pout" because I should be "Daddy's girl", which I am, but Mom came first. That always made me smile. I never realized until I got married and had children how much that would mean.

Mom calls Daddy every hour on the hour each day... especially if he is on a long distance haul. I don't know what she did before cell phones! ha!

They work together as a team that is so close it is like they are one person.

They like to "huddle" together after supper or any small moments and talk about their day. It is as if no one else is in the room.

They say "I love you" to each other MANY times a day.

They selflessly give of themselves to each other, always.

I continue to strive for that with Steve and me and I want our marriage to be just like theirs.

As I reflect on their marriage today, it just makes me realize how very blessed I am.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Daddy! I love you both so very much!


Anonymous said...

Wow Kellie that is wounderful, that is true love. Two hearts that work as one is the sure way to make it work. Mrs. Wiggs

Amy said...

What a wonderful marriage they have!! Happy Anniversary!!!