Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is the same picture... the second one has a vignette around it. I'm still learning and playing in PS and wanted to get opinions. :) You may not notice as much of a difference, but I didn't want it overpowering.

Next to last day of school. I teared up today talking with my class. I am going to miss them. The kids had Field Day today and it was fun to watch. I'll post pictures later along with some end of school things.

Off to tackle more of this office. I'll get back to "deeper musings" when I finally finish all of this mess!

OK... side note of what happened after I did this post: We had a SNAKE in our house!!! I am still crazy cleaning the office and walk to the kitchen to get a bag for something. I noticed Sampson was looking up at something pretty intently, but didn't realize what he was seeing until I walked back through and saw it slithering across the window!!!!! Oh my word. I realize it was a black snake and no harm to me, but that doesn't mean I want it in my HOUSE. Steve came and took it back outside. My nerves are completely and utterly destroyed at this moment. LOL!


Anonymous said...

Hey, black snske or not he would be a goner. Whew! Makes cold chiles go all over my body.Now back to picture 1 & 2 , I like 2 best.Mrs.Viv

Unknown said...

Love them both, but I do like the second one better.

mc said...

Forget the pictures, I am freaked out by your snake story!!!!! Kellie- I am terrified of snakes. May I ask, how does a snake get in a house? I am not calm at this moment. Please tell me this is a RARE occurrence, or that it only happens on farms. Eeeeeeee!!!!!!

Katrina said...

My gracious HOW did that snake get in your house!? I would not be able to sleep at all until finding out.

I love your photo. The lighting is amazing, I like the first one.

Amy said...

Oh my!!!!!!!! That would have freaked me out too!! I don't care what kind of snake it is a snake is a snake and I don't like them lol And to be in my house...oh I am not sure I would have been able to sleep that night.

We found a snake over the weekend, only ours was outside, thank goodness lol. It too was a black snake. He found our chickens and was eating the eggs. He was HUGE...about 5 foot long. eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk They give me the creeps!!

Amy said...

Oh, I would FREAK out at a snake in the house! Gives me the heebie-jeebies just reading about yours!

Beautiful shot, love the backlighting of the flowers. :)