Monday, May 11, 2009


Ostriches from the Zoo today.... I can remember being in Kindergarten and going to the Zoo. I vaguely remember watching the Ostrich behind a chain link fence. Oh, how they have changed the Zoo here since then! (Of course, that was 32 years ago... scary to think of it that way!) We can now get "up close" to them but from the comfort of a walkway that looks down on them with no worries of my fingers being bitten off. lol A couple of them were "showing off" with their wings. I had never seen ostrich wings in that way before so this was neat. I love the last shot.

Today was quite chilly! I was one of those parents today that didn't pay attention to the weather forecast... and it showed with what we all wore today!!! I'm going to have to write myself a little "note from the teacher" and tell myself to pay a bit more attention. I think Steve needs to build a fire tonight. hee hee

Only two more weeks left of "real" school and the last week is mostly fun, fun, fun. (Not that ANY day with Mrs. Fowler isn't FUN, but you know what I am meaning...) We are all (students and teachers )getting that "look." "The-deer-in-the-head lights-dazed-am-I-gonna-make-it-look" We are all going to start quoting The Little Engine That Could "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...." I am not ready to let go of my class... just ready for a nice break.

Well, off to work on more of the homework and reports that are needing to be done. I have a lot of papers to grade, too... if I just put a big fat red check on them without really checking do you think they'd notice??????? :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Awesome ostrich shots! I love the last one too, your focus is spot-on! We only have a couple of weeks of school left...we need to start the "I think I can..." too! :)