Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I feel like this some days... lol The chimpanzees cracked us up.

Wednesday... "Hump Day".... I'm still chanting the "I think I can." Wesley has a game at 6:00 and I can't go because I need to be at church by 6:45. I do not like missing his games. He'll be at church later, but I just want my little guy to know I'm out there. Steve will be there so they can do the "manly thing." :)

I talked to my kids today about those people at Walmart yesterday. It is always good to give real life examples of why I teach them to follow directions.

The owl from yesterday was a Barred Owl... and it was the one I had photographed at the Zoo! My brother was quite proud of me for knowing what I heard. See, Kevin... all those "glazed eye" days you thought I wasn't listening and look at what I can remember!

I am in need of the couch for a few moments. Good thing, though... finished all of my papers feverishly during my kids Spanish time this afternoon and then LOST Season Finale is tonight! :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love seeing the chimps, they're so funny! I hope you enjoyed your "couch time" and LOST, I'm watching it right now. I'm so happy these two are going through the season with me bec/I'm always lost, this really helps! :)