Thursday, May 28, 2009


A simple fence, but it reminds me of a journey. I took this at a local park recently and love it.

A journey.

I've just finished another one of those.

A journey with 23 little people who God has entrusted into my care for an entire school year has now come to an end on this last day of school. It is so hard to see this journey end sometimes because you know what they were at the beginning and you see how far they have come by the end. I have watched my students grow and mature in so many ways. Some have had struggles all year while others have not had any "problems" and taken life in stride. Personalities blossom and confidence grows.

It is such a joy to watch them grow in the Lord! It is exciting to see how much they learn to trust and not just "regurgitate" Bible knowledge, but begin the learning process of applying principles of what has been taught into their daily lives.

It is always humbling to me to see how far they the Lord gives me what I need each day to minister to all of those needs. Sometimes my ministering can be "tough" as you all know about me because I am not going to open their heads and pour in the knowledge.. it must be earned. However, they have always known they were loved through every day they have spent with me. I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't love them!

It's a bittersweet day. We're rejoicing because we need the break, but, oh... am I going to miss those kids.

I'm also going to watch my former 'children' graduate from high school tonight. It will be 20 years and 2 days after I did the same thing. Some days I don't feel as if I should be as "old" as I am, but I must admit that what the Lord has taught me on MY journey I wouldn't trade for anything to go back. With age comes wisdom if you allow the Lord to mold and shape you. That is what I pray for my students that are leaving high school tonight and going out into the "world." May they be a light for the Lord and shine as examples of what they have been taught all of these years.

I'll be cheering them from my place on the stage.

Silently there will be shed tears of joy at what they have accomplished and to know that the Lord enabled me to be a small part of that.

This is why I teach.


Anonymous said...

Kellie honey, you are one of a kind. Just think how many of these will greet you whenyou get to heaven.God has richly bleesed you with a gift of teaching. We in the Family are so proud of you .
Love mrs.Wiggs

Katie said...

You are amazing my friend...thank you for all that you have taught me and are still teaching me. Congrats Mrs. Teacher of the YEAR!
I love you -kt :D

Amy said...

You are a wonderful teacher! Those kids are so lucky to have you!!!

I hope you enjoy your summer!!