Tuesday, February 24, 2009


More nails... lol

Good day.... still having issues with words. LOL I told my students to get our their "drivers" today instead of their work. I just don't know what is to become of me. :)

Have any of you ever tried banana pudding with NUTTER BUTTERS? If you haven't, you should. My friend Morgan made that for us the other night and, OH MY GOODNESS... that was some "stinkin'" good stuff. I am still thinking about it. She sent me the recipe. I'll have to try it out for myself. If you want to try it out.... let me know. hee hee

We've had a crazy afternoon so not a lot of time to chat. I have a cat on my lap at the moment, but need to go work on homework with the kids. Lots of papers to grade tonight. :)


Anonymous said...

Yesterday I was scared, today I am petrified! HAHA-just kidding:) You are absolutely an awesome teacher! It is not everyday a child can have a teacher that can make up her own words like you do! You have made me smile!

Katrina said...

My sweet southern friend just sent me that recipe! I can't wait to try it.

I have fun getting the word of the day here:

Your word mix-ups may be a sign that you just need to get away with your dh. You know to relax and refresh :)

Unknown said...

been loving this series of photos. They are great!