Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I think this is the last of my nails for right now. lol At least Casey is enjoying them. :) I searched back through my old posts and couldn't find that I had posted these. I processed them in black/white and antique color. Because of this being a more "bland" picture in its original form, I can't tell a ton of difference between the b&w and antique. The rust spot can be "seen rusty" a bit more but no major change. Tell me what you think.... as always. :)

My new blogger friend, Katrina, gave me a link to Merriam Webster's Dictionary online to learn a new word for the day. Well, today's word is:

imbibition - the act or action of imbibing
: the act or action of drinking or taking in liquid.

OK... learned something new today. Even my spell checker on here thinks I have entered something incorrectly! I will have to figure out a way to use this tomorrow with my students and then they will really think I have lost my marbles. Hmmm... "Boys and girls, as you are imbibing, please make sure you don't spill anything." I honestly don't think I even used that correctly!! This will definitely be a learning experience.

I have to go get ready for Sparks/AWANA tonight. I have our devotional time with the little kiddos and need to get myself mentally prepared. After the last couple of days that "mental" ability is out the window. lol Pray for me! :)


Amy said...

I actually prefer the original, the coloring is my favorite! :)

Katrina said...

I too love the original.

My girls were laughing this morning as I was trying to form a sentence from the word of the day! Imbibition is one I have never used.

Morgan said...

ok, I'll be odd man out....i like the B&W the best.