Monday, February 16, 2009


Thawing out.... at least that is what we did last week. This week we are back to cold temps and we did manage a few snow flurries this morning. So unlike our past few years here in NC. If you have followed me long you know I love rain drops and water droplets on things. Since these were from the day the snow was melting I had to capture some. :)

Wesley has a terrible cold... not sure if it is the one we all had (except him) a few weeks ago or not. He was a trooper, though, and kept going. Of course, his mother made him keep going and not give in and whine. I can't stand whining. He'll get to bed early tonight to get some rest.

Steve gave me a dozen chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day... can we say they have been so good???? I think I need to go get another one....

Before I go....

Here is a thought someone shared with me the other day. There were two women in a school. One had taught for 30 years and the other only two years. The principal position became available and both applied for the job. The woman with the two years of experience got the job over the one with 30 years. The older woman was so upset and went to talk with the heads of the school who did the hiring. She said she had taught for 30 years and had so much more experience, why didn't she get the job?! The one in charge replied something like this. "The other lady taught for two years and grew and changed each year. You taught for one year and repeated yourself for 29...."

Causes one to think that we need to keep learning and growing so we don't become stale. I definitely don't want to fit that category!

Steve is working late tonight so it is just me and the kiddos. Off to do some serious flashcard practice.... and eat another strawberry!


Amy said...

Kellie, that first shot is so cool! I enlarged it and the detail is amazing, the individual snowflakes, the little drop of water at the end of the tipped-up leaf, and the icicle! :)

Amy said...

Love that first picture! I hope Wesley gets to feeling better!

mc said...

I love the drops on the leaves- I just love that kind of stuff!