Thursday, February 19, 2009


The same window as above in my title area but a close up of the "detail."

I finally decided I needed to take Wesley to the doctor today. He's continued to complain that his ears have been hurting. I had my own appointment after school so I had to take him to one of those Minute Clinics at a CVS Pharmacy. He has double ear infections... more in one ear than the other, but both were red. The rest of his stuff is just a cold. (A cold I believe I am catching again because I am not feeling so hot myself. I normally do not catch all of this stuff... it must be something "in the air.") He is now on meds for that so it should be better soon for him. I am truly thankful for those meds!

We didn't get home tonight till after 7:00 so I am off to finish homework and get them to bed so I can grade papers. I am glad tomorrow is a half day of school. I plan on cleaning and crashing tomorrow. lol

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Kellie, your header photo is one of my favorites. The close ups are just as cool. Hope you all start feeling better soon. It stinks to be sick!