Friday, February 06, 2009


These kind of look like Christmas. Just takes you back a couple of months or gets you ready REALLY early. lol

I am so glad it is Friday.

It hasn't been a bad week.. in fact, it has been very productive. It seems, though, that as the week went on, kids and teachers alike began "dropping like flies." Thankfully, not many in our building have been affected but we sent a lot of kids home this afternoon with fevers, throats hurting, etc... Not saying I won't get sick, but it is a plus when your immunity is built up over the years. I will say that when I got home I wanted to throw everything I wore today in the washer!!

Let me just say that I just read about Michael Phelps today. I have seen "blips" of it online but never read about it until today. I realize I am NOT in the lingo of the latest so I had no idea what the headlines were trying to say. When I read today, I was SO disappointed that he chose to go that direction. It is just another example of how people will fail you and you can't put your faith in a person.

Wesley and Steve had a blast today at the Southern Farm Show. Wesley was beyond excited to tell me about it when we got home. I am so glad his day was special. (I still missed being with him to watch him....) Wesley was so cute this morning when I was getting Mikayla up for school. He came in to find me and told me he wanted to hug me because he was going to miss me today. Sometimes I feel they spend SO much time with me that I often think they would really enjoy being just with their Daddy. It was good to know that I was going to be missed. It truly made my day.

When we got home this afternoon we bathed the cats and have worked on cleaning the house.... the kids are finishing up their parts of the cleaning as I type. In just a few we'll be settling down to a family movie night. I love it when I can come home and get everything looking right so that we can enjoy the rest of the weekend.

I am also thankful for just spending time with my family. There is nothing more exciting to me than to curl up on the couch with the kiddos with Steve nearby (we can't all fit on the couch anymore, it seems...) and just be together.

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