Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Last day of school till next Monday... Yay!!!

In continuing with my thought from yesterday, I am going in a bit of a different direction.

Today we had to run an errand after school. I parked pretty far from the store, but I don't mind doing that because it allows more exercise. Again... the perspective of how to see things arose in my daughter's mind. She began to complain "Great! Why do we have to be parked so far away from the store!" I began to immediately remind her to be thankful she has legs with which to walk that far. As the moments progressed the "ME" came out in my children in a large way. I began to see that their conversation was all about what was best for THEM. Then, when we were in the store, a voice came over the loud speaker and said "We are open long hours just for YOU, because it is all about YOU!"

Is it really?

Our society tells us that indeed it IS all about ME. I feel some days that we are like spoiled brats always demanding what WE want and what will make us happy.

Is that what God's Word says?

In speaking with my own two this afternoon I began to help them understand it is NOT about you and what makes you happy. Life isn't always easy or fair. Two times my lovely son said "But, I want it to be fair. Life SHOULD go my way."

To be honest, I have felt that way myself!! In trying to change my perspective on how I see things, it has caused me to see how many times I was about to complain!

Remember my verse from yesterday?

I Thessalonias 5:18 - In EVERY THING give thanks:

Here is another one:

Ephesians 5:20 - Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I realize with my children it is a growing process, just like the Lord is continuing to teach me and help me grow. My responsibility as a parent is to help my children see what His Word says. Wesley and Mikayla are by far from perfect, and say and do things that make me wonder what in the world they are thinking, but it is the process of growing and maturing. They have to learn (and it is not always easy) that their way isn't always the best way. God's way is.

Be thankful for what you have.

Here are a few more things for which I am thankful:

1. God's Word that continually opens my eyes to things I need.

2. My presentation went very well today.

3. My parents who are committed and loving to each other for over 44 years now.

4. My brother that pushes me (oopss.. encourages me) to try new things... or to just bake/cook.

5. Friends who care.

6. Parents at school who are so encouraging.

7. This computer so that I may communicate with you!

8. Katie's excitement over her camera.

9. Sal, Morgan and Cassie are moving back home.

10. I'm going shopping with my best friend tomorrow.... and I'll love every minute of it.


Anonymous said...

This was AWESOME!! Have a great time tomorrow shopping with your girlfriend! I am so thankful for all I have learned from you this year and you are my child's teacher! (I wonder who's learned more-me or Mitchell) We hope you, Steve, Wesley and Mikayla have a GREAT Thanksgiving!! See you on Monday!:)

Sal Cartusciello said...

You say "thankful" now. We'll see if that is the same thing in 6 months. ;-)

That was an excellent lesson, and you are right, "ME, ME, ME", got the country/worls into the money mess we now face.

Morgan said...

How often can we apply this lesson to US, adults?? I find myself cavetching sometimes about the silliest (and selfish) things.....

I can't believe WE made your thankful list. How cool! I couldn't begin to tell you how thankful we are for impact you guys have had in our lives....