Thursday, November 13, 2008


I thought I'd show pictures of the chapel at Orton Plantation tonight. I have gotten away from our trip pictures with all of my fall pics. This chapel is beautiful and I'm so glad we were able to go in it. Apparently a lot of TV shows and movies have had parts filmed here.

Speaking of fall... let's just say I experienced a major falling of leaves today. It was like it was raining leaves this morning when I opened the gate at school. I don't think I have ever quite experienced that before! Our peak of the leaves is gone. It surely has been beautiful.

I have no papers to grade tonight and I am rejoicing!!

I bathed two kittens when I got home... it seems we can't get rid of the fleas they brought with them when they were six weeks old. Because they were so small, we could not use the right kind of shampoo at that time. I think we're going to have to resort to getting them dipped and the house sprayed by an exterminator. It isn't that we have fleas hopping everywhere or anything, but I know in order to fully get rid of them and things not get worse and worse, we have to get to the root of the issue. I hate fleas... probably more so than ants.

They are some sweet kitties, though. They are going to be 16 weeks tomorrow. Right now Isabelle is up at the computer screen trying to chase the letters as I type them. She's a hoot. I guess she loves me again after that bath.

I have a Teacher Workday tomorrow... gonna get my CPR training re-certification. I understand that the rules have changed again from last year. I can't keep all of those things straight! Let's just say that if I were put in that kind of situation I would not handle myself very well. I forget every part I have been taught and go into panic/no think mode. lol I would not have made a very good nurse. I would know how to call 911. My best friend said her heart gets to pumpin' when she hears a trauma is coming or something major is happening in her Critical Care Unit... me, I pass out when someone just talks about a cut. Just ask Steve... nursing is just not my gift. The Lord definitely has me in the right place!

Steve is had to work late tonight and just got home. The kids are at Mom and Dad's so they wouldn't have to get up early in the morning. I do have clothes to wash and all, but I think I'm going to kick back and have a moment with Steve and my coffee. Have a wonderful evening.....


Katie said...

I Love these! Can you take me there once my camera comes in? I am so excited that we ordered it today! Talk to you later.

Ciao, KT :)

Katie said...

Didn't realize where this was at... maybe we can't just take off and go there. It's still really pretty though!

KT :)

Amy ~ Just Being Aimlyss said...

What a beautiful chapel, my favorite shots are the second and third ones. :)

Amy said...

Those pictures are just beautiful! The first one is my favorite!