Sunday, November 16, 2008


The picture above was taken at church last weekend. Those leaves were at their peak!

We went and had Thanksgiving with Steve's Dad today. It was a beautiful day (as you can see from the picture above) but COLD. I was able to take more pics....which was nice. We went for a walk in the woods with my nephews and I tried to take in all of the beauty. The leaves are really starting to fade now, but I was able to capture some more fall. I even got to help my nephew with his camera he just got for his birthday. I really enjoyed teaching him how to take a photograph and not just a picture. I realize he has lots to learn and all, but any new thing you can learn is always a plus.

We came home to find that our sweet little kitties had been into serious mischief. It caused us to realize that they are getting a little to full of themselves. What you see in the pictures below is what is left of Mikayla Girl's tea sets that Kevin has given her for Christmas the past few years.

These are quite special to her. I was SICK when I saw them all over her floor broken into pieces. She was crying and so upset. As a mother that broke my heart. The only thing I knew to do was to pick up the pieces and work on gluing them back together. I will work on them all night after she goes to bed just so she can have her sweet treasures from her Uncle Kevin. They may not be perfect anymore, but at least they will still be with her. She was so relieved when I told her I was going to glue them. Mikayla has always loved her tea sets... but I think this will cause her to love them more because they were able to be put back together.

As I was picking up the pieces I was reminded of our lives. Sometimes it takes something major to happen that breaks us into pieces for us to call to the Lord for help. Many times He allows those broken pieces to remind us that we always need Him. We have "scars" of past choices that are always with us, but the "glue" the Lord uses to bring us back to Him allow us to become whole again. It causes us to love and be thankful for what we have in a new light. And, truly, the Lord is the only "glue" that can put us back together when we have been broken.

I better go see what I can do to help my baby.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Kellie, my heart is breaking for Mikayla! You know the reason the tea sets mean so much to her is because of her love for her uncle!- MCH