Friday, November 21, 2008


Today was much better in the going forth department. I definitely do not feel as behind as yesterday. :)

Friday.... blessed day that it is. I am thankful it is here. We actually had snow falling on the way to school again this morning. I had hoped to capture a bit with my camera, but when the sun rose it all melted so by the time I could get out there it had gone.

I saw this as I drove up the driveway late this afternoon. The sun set cast such a pretty orange against those clouds. I just needed to capture the moment.

I have a photo shoot tomorrow so I had to run and get a backdrop for it after school. I got to talk with my mentor on the phone while driving home and it was so good to talk to him. He is the best.

Speaking of photo shoots... here are a couple of pictures from the one I did this past Monday. What do you think?

Today at school we had an adventure.... we "rode" on the "Mayfowler"... my kids did an experience of being the Separatists on the Mayflower. It is so much fun and the kids really enjoyed it. I love watching their faces when history comes alive. It is my most favorite subject so I want them to love it, too.

When we got home I knew I had to work on a few things so I told the kids to start cleaning their bathroom. Well, I got involved in my work and finally asked the kids to please clean both bathrooms.... each child taking one of them. As I kept working, I noticed and heard more cleaning than what I had told them to do... on their own. Wesley was in there cleaning Mikayla's "disastrous" room, while Mikayla Girl was in the kitchen cleaning what looked like an explosion had taken place. Not only did they clean very well, but they did it willingly with the right heart attitude. I was blessed by their obedience and desire to help. (They will be earning extra money for the extra things they did to go towards their Joy Toy purchase for school.)

On a funny note, when we were getting ready for our "movie night" (watching Cars) the kids were getting their pajamas on. Mikayla couldn't find where Wesley had put her pajamas so she asked him. He showed her and as he was walking out of the room he said "And put them back in the morning where I had them .... and fold them neatly!" ha!!!!!!! What a hoot!

Let me share something I love and am thankful for....

Yes, you got it.... GARLIC Triscuits. Triscuits are something I used to detest and thought it was like eating wood chips. Well, when I began the journey of losing weight (can you believe that was almost 2 years ago???), I fell in love with them because they were healthier. The Garlic ones are my most favorite in all the universe. I eat them in the morning as snack at school. My poor kids.... hopefully the garlic isn't TOO bad. lol I just can't eat one, either. Goodness... love 'em.

My sweet man brought home some subs for supper, doughnuts for the kids (and us....), more coffee creamer because we accidentally left ours out the other night (2 kinds! look below....), and built a fire. There are no words to describe the wonderfulness of this moment. :) Being with my family, enjoying the memories and trying out a new creamer. Anyone ever had Tiramisu creamer? We normally do the fat free only, but we are splurging tonight. Steve has already tasted it and said it is beyond words. Can't wait to have mine in a minute. :)

It's a good thing I tried to be careful what I ate today.... look at those things!!!

Love these. I am so grown up now. hee hee

OK... I just HAVE to do this again... Mackenzie, you looked very pretty today at school. Mitchell, did you enjoy being a Separatist? hee hee (Love you, kiddos!!!!)


Katie said...

Where did you go to take the "photo shoot" pics? I love them... the one of Hunter makes him look soooo much older! The coffee sounds GOOOOOD! Ciao :)

Morgan said...

AHHHHHHHH, the sugar'll be up til 4am watching movies!! ; )

Love the sunset. San Diego enjoys some of the most breath-taking sunrises and sunsets. I mean just spectacular.

Anonymous said...

WE LOVE YOU TOO, Mrs. Fowler!!!! You have given mom the idea that Mitchell and I have got to clean all day tomorrow. Mitchell loved being a Separatist. We have just got home from church. Have a great weekend!