Monday, November 24, 2008


This verse was in my devotion this morning and it fit well with what I am trying to do this week.

I Thessalonians 5:18 - In every thing give thanks:

Do I give thanks in EVERY thing?

I began to think on that today. How often do I look at the circumstances around me and have a "pitiful me" attitude when I could change it to a thankful attitude and see the blessings from the difficulty?

How often to do I thank the Lord for something that is minuscule in my life but I take for granted every day?

Am I portraying with my children a thankful spirit with my attitudes and actions, as well as what my words say ?

I honestly had to say "no" to some of these. I get so wrapped up in the busyness of life that I fail to see what God has blessed me with right in front of me.

I challenged my students today with thankfulness. I told them they were to go home, sit in their rooms, open their closets, drawers, etc... and stare at all with which they have been blessed. Then, they were to write down 10 specific things in their room for which they were thankful. We'll look at those lists tomorrow.

I took that challenge on myself.

Here are some little things I began to think on tonight as I was stuck in traffic... again.

I have a vehicle that is older but is in great condition.

Gas was much cheaper when I filled up the other night.

I was warm in the van.

My children (being crazy and ready to be home) are healthy and "normal."

Being able to use a cell phone and talk to the people I love to let them know where I was at the time.

Enjoying the comfort of my Birkenstocks as I had to walk/stand a lot after school today.

My husband was at home waiting for me... and then, coming home to that husband who had worked all day tearing down a barn.

I have memories of that barn.

My Powerpoint is ready to go for my presentation in the morning.
(I figured out what was wrong with it when I transferred it from my computer to the school.)

I am loved by a God Who knows me and my little problems and is willing to listen.... always.

I made my list.

How about you?

Want to comment and share anything?


Katie said...

I am thankful for:
1) Pictures...they are worth a
thousand words...
2) Guitars they make beautiful
music and help people express
their feelings.
3) Clothes they are so cool, and
they protect us from the sun,
wind, rain, cold, etc.
4) Crocs...they are comfy and I
Love them,and so my feet have
something to walk around in.
5) Books so that we can go on
adventures and step into
someone elses shoes.
6) Pillows to snuggle with.
7) Electricity to light my room
8) Glasses so that I can see the
world clearly.
9) CD Players so I can play my
10) My big comfy bed to sleep in.

You're right, sometimes we do take the little things for granted...I hope I can always be thankful for the little things in life.
My camera would be on the list...but it's in the other room!


Sal Cartusciello said...

I'm thankful for everything, but my wife, my daughter, my health and Jesus are the 4 pieces of my life I am most thankful for and could not live without.

wendy said...

I'm thankful that, strangely through my cousin, we've been able to get to know each other a little better :)

And we made our top 10 lists last week too. Got em' hanging in the hall for parent teacher conferences!

High5Hughes said...

I am thankful for so many things but right now I am very thankful for YOU! We have been so blessed to be able to send Bryce to Wake Christian. We are so thankful that you are his teacher. We appreciate the way you teach and love on Bryce! Thank you for the hard work and enthusiam you put into your job! We love you and pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!!