Thursday, November 06, 2008


This first picture is from my adventure where I photographed the green car. This old house was on the property. The window looked sad. Every time I see an old house I think of all who used to live there. I wonder about the families and what they were like. Did they love each other or was it a hard place to live? I wondered how many times someone had looked out that window... and what they saw. I thought of how much the area has changed and what it would be for that house to "talk." Am I weird or do other people share in that thoughtful perspective on abandoned areas? This window is very weathered... it looks like it has been through a lot and not had love shown to it in a long time. Kind of sad...

On another note... these fall leaves are beyond words around here this year. I know it is because we had more rain and came out of the drought. Last year wasn't nearly this pretty. I took these shots on Sunday after we went to check out our friend's house that is being built. We went over Johnson Pond because I wanted to capture the reflection of the fall colors on the water. I am not satisfied with this picture, but it is better than not getting any at all. The above house used to be owned by the Johnson's. It is up on a hill and has always been a fascinating house for me to look at when I pass by. The fall trees around it only added to its beauty.
I have too much to do to be on here, yet here I sit. I have papers to grade, homework to go over and a play to go to with Kevin tonight. :) Let's see if this play is better than a lot of the ones we saw last year!!


Sal Cartusciello said...

Pictures look great, and there is a nice "story" when looking at the picture of the old house.

Hope your head is feeling better.

Gretchen said...

I'm glad to hear that someone else gets sentimental about people from ages past. I LOVE history and anytime I am near an old building, I try to imagine what lives have been lived there.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean! I always wonder about families that lived in these old homes and what life was like for them. If only they had left scrapbooks for us!! Hope to see you soon!!

wendy said...

You've got some great perspective there in that lens of yours. . .love that window shot!