Saturday, October 29, 2011


Love the purple and green with this flower!
My last thought on prayer for this week.  I hope these posts have given you fuel or much to think on with your walk with Christ.  I have needed them greatly.  This one seemed to hit home for me especially because I have been so busy lately.  I can't be too busy for the Lord.

Alone in Prayer

Have you hurriedly rushed through your prayers?  Have you prayed on the run, hoping God would understand?

We all know we can pray anywhere, at any time, but Matthew 5:6 tells us that we actually need to get apart, enter our prayer room, or closet, and pray in secret.  This isn't some mythical place for personal devotions, but it is a place where you can go to meet God.  It is a place of secret prayer, a time to meet with God alone.

What is your secret prayer life like?  Do you have a place set apart to pray to the Lord?

Meeting with God on a daily basis to pray will require discipline on your part.  It might mean getting up a little earlier than the rest of your family.  Or it might mean getting to the office a bit earlier so that you can take the time to pray in secret to your heavenly Father.  Whatever the case, locate a place where you can pray to God.  If Jesus Christ thought it was necessary for us to have a private place to pray, then we should follow His teaching.

God sees what is done in secret; He hears your prayers and promises to reward you.  Yes, you can pray in the car as you drive, or pray while waiting in the doctor's office, or while rocking your baby in the middle of the night.  But God tells us that we all need to have a place where we shut the door, get away from everything and everyone and commune with him alone.

God specifically tells you not to be like the hypocrites because they love their self-righteous "worship" to be seen by men.  Their reward is that they were seen by men, nothing more.  Jesus tells you to establish a private prayer room, but that is only a step to answered prayer and a growing relationship with the Lord.  You must also be sure to come before the throne with a pure heart and untainted motives.  Then God, who sees you in secret, can openly reward you.

~ Dwell Devotional

1 comment:

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Charles Stanley's message this morning (Sunday) is on prayer also, "Standing tall and strong through Prayer." Between your posts and the message this morning, I feel an urging to exam my prayer life more closely!

Hope you are having a great weekend! :)