Thursday, October 20, 2011


Here are a few shots from the fair that I thought were pretty.  I love the garden areas that are decorated.  This year this one had a theme of purple and had this glass ball.  Do you see me?  Do you see my wonderful brother standing by me patiently waiting?  :)


Here is a tree that has old lamps that are being used as bird feeders.  So cute!

This garden was called "The Color Purple" and I loved it!

Flowers were in abundance.  I was enjoying my moments of photographing these lovely blooms.

I was reminded this morning of counting my blessings.

I have had a few weeks of craziness... trying to teach, work on wedding pictures, being a Mom, grading papers, helping my students, clean a house... well, you get the idea.

I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed again and when I get overwhelmed, my fuse gets short.  

I hate being that way... but let's be real.  I think we all know what I mean.

Back to counting my blessings.

I think I have been so consumed in what I have to get done, that I have forgotten to take the time to count the blessings God has given me.  I am not talking only about the "big" ones... I am thinking also of the small ones.

SO, I am going to share some of the small or big things in life for which I should count my blessings.  This is not an exhaustive list.

1.  I have a healthy husband and children.  I have read about or heard of so many people who are facing health trials this week.  I read of one child who is near the end after battling cancerous tumors.. she is younger than Wesley and Mikayla. 

2.  I got to sleep with Wesley the other night when he had a bad earache from an ear infection.  He came down with it after Urgent Cares were closed.  I got to be Mom and comfort my little guy when he was in pain.  

3.  I am thankful for antibiotics that helped his pain to go away.  It isn't a permanent sickness.

4.  Happy to have Facebook to be able to check up on a guy I graduated with from highschool who had brain surgery yesterday.  His wife updated his condition every few hours during the surgery.  It helped us know how to pray.  

5.  My van, the "Golden Chariot" is still running and gets us to and from school each day.  My daughter may not be especially fond of her because she isn't the most up-to-date vehicle, but I love that van just the same.

6.  Being able to talk with a 6 year old at church last night about the greatness of God and have him show me trust in childlike faith.  Sometimes a child has great wisdom in their simple faith in the Lord.

7.  Having friends who understand when I need to vent some frustrations.

8.  Teachable moments - for me and for my students

9.  Strength to handle my day

10.  Chocolate and peanut butter

11.  Last but not least today... I am counting the blessings of our two "babies" who have worked hard and, for the first time ever, made straight A's on their report cards.  This is huge... we have made A's and B's before but never straight A's.  Steve and I are tickled pink, green and purple.  :) 

Tell me... what things in life today are helping you realize to "count your blessings?"


Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

That is awesome!!! All A's for both children!!! :) That is a blessing indeed! And #6 was extra special, too!

Hope Wesley is feeling better! Bless his heart, those earaches are a booger!

And Thanks for sharing the pictures of the gardens! Love the tree with the unique and interesting birdhouses! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh ! goodness , tell Wesley and Makayla that Grandma is so proud of them. They are two speacial children.
Mom and Dad are pretty special too. Love, Love !!