Monday, October 03, 2011


You will be seeing lots of daisy pictures this week.  We'll just call it "The Week of the Daisies."  I took these pics the other day at school while my kids were in Library.  I fell in love with the dew droplets on these one morning as I was passing them and they were beginning to open.  The next morning I brought my camera fully intending to make my own droplets if there was no dew.  Well, that morning, the Lord sent rain and so I was able to capture all of the droplets that I so desired.  I hope you enjoy these pics!


So, I saw this on another blog and thought I would try it.  I will not post this each day for 10 days... it will be throughout the next couple of weeks I am thinking.  I never know when the Lord will lay something on my heart to share with y'all.  For now.. enjoy my 10 secrets.

First of all, I am thinking right now that 10 secrets are gonna be kind of hard!  I'm not sure if these will be real "secrets" or just revealing some facts about me that may be interesting. lol

1.  I am actually shy in a crowd.  I do not do "well on the insides" when meeting new people.  For those that actually know me from teaching, that may come as a shock.

2.  I do not like my nails to be long.  It drives me crazy when they start getting some length on them.  So much for long and beautiful nails.

3.  People keep telling me I am a "super woman" with all that I do.  Hmmm.... most days I feel as if I don't accomplish what I am supposed to do.  Most nights I feel anything but super. lol

4.  I have to balance my checkbook every month... to the penny.  Most people do it online now.  I am still digging the "old fashioned" way of pen and paper... and a calculator.  I have learned to release a bit if I am off a few cents, but I can't stand it when it doesn't balance.

5.  I prefer a black ink pen when using said checkbook.  It bothers me when I see blue in there.  Strange, huh?

6.  I would love to travel all over the world... kind of like an Amazing Race without the race part.  That will never happen, but it is nice to think about.

7.  I have to have my forks and spoons stacked a certain way in the silverware drawer.  

8.  I have to keep things out in the open for me to remember them... therefore, my counters are always cluttered and my cabinet doors have sticky notes on them.  That is just life around here.

9.  I have run over 2 grills before.  Yeah... that is a Mrs. Fowler story.

10.  Some nights I am just too tired and don't get in the bathroom to brush my teeth.  YUCK.

There you have it.  Let's just say that was difficult... as I had originally thought.  :)


Ashley Shelley - The Christian Wife Life said...

Hahaha...I laughed out loud at the last one. You are too funny.

LOVE the daisy pics! Beautiful!

It was wonderful seeing you on Saturday, and I can't wait to see how the wedding pictures turn out. I'm sure they're be fantastic of course.

Much love,

Mich said...

You make me smile.

Hope you are having a blessed week.

LOVE the daisy pictures.

Dream Big said...

Loved it all. I love daisies.

wendy said...

love that you are keepin' it real. and i'm still jealous that you have a nice macro lens. maybe one of these days. . .

benbidder said...

I might have to do this too, once I get my blog all straightened out!! I love your secrets. I love having things 'out' too, so I have piles. ;)