Monday, October 17, 2011


Oh, the food of the Fair.....  We eat a lot of different things.  Here is a sampling for you of our first visit.

Our first stop is usually to get a footlong hotdog.  Wesley doesn't get into hotdogs much since he was little so he does a chili dog or cheeseburger.  We usually eat at the same place the first time, too... Apex Lions Club.  This year was no different.

Steve humored me with this picture.  Sometimes he wishes I didn't like photography, I think.
Me, Mom and Kevin... gettin' ready to eat. :)

My footlong.  Yes... I photograph it every year.  I know that may be weird.
After walking around a bit through the crowds, it was decided that some of us needed ice cream.  Believe it or not, I was not one of those!  The kids and Steve enjoyed some old fashioned ice cream.

Mom got some Kettle Corn that we enjoyed while listening to Bluegrass Music.  It was nice to just hang out... and eat.
I had to get a picture of me and Sweet Man.  We weren't eating at that moment, but we had been.

I got a frozen apple slushy and Mikayla shared it with me. 
When Kevin and I were trying to purchase our "fried" stuff, this was the crowd around the area.  It was insane... and it is always insane at this area.  I would like to make a few suggestions to the NC State Fair Peeps.

Here is a sampling of fried things you can purchase at the fair.  Kevin always gets a fried PB&J.  I chose to try a fried Ho-Ho.  You could even get fried Kool-Aid... GROSS.
I could eat a whole box of Hostess Ho-Ho's in one sitting even today.  I realize this is not a good thing to do, however, I could do it.  Well... when I saw the fried Ho-Ho I knew I had to try it.  Here it is after I got it hot out of the oil and smothered with powdered sugar.  This is a far cry from the carrots I eat with my meal everyday at lunch.

I tried it and it was OK.  I can now say I had one.  In my honest and humble opinion, I would take a Ho-Ho straight out of the wrapper of the Hostess box any day.  The chocolate melts and the wonderful creamy icing inside disappears.  But, hey... I would have always wondered so I can now not wonder anymore.

Here is Kevin's fried PB&J.  He tries to get one every year but last year he missed out.

This year he was determined not to miss it... and he enjoyed every scrumptious bite!

We also had a Farmer's Market ham biscuit.  This biscuit is huge... we divided it four ways for all of us to enjoy a bit.  It was yummy.


Unfortunately, I haven't had time to finish all of the pictures so these will have to suffice.  Just know, we enjoyed our food.  We're looking forward to next Saturday and the yumminess we'll eat then.  :)


Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

How awesome would that be??? To meet a famous State Fair Exhibitor in person! You would be my claim to fame! LOL! Seriously though, that is amazing the things ya'll entered and did so well with! And I think the picture was very pretty and candid! I'm disappointed with you, that it didn't place! :( We'll have to get together in Raleigh sometime and meet in person...sounds like wonderful idea. Right now, Ashley "finds a reason" to come home about every weekend, instead of me visiting her! LOL! Maybe when it gets closer to Christmas and I spend some time up there shopping we can meet for supper!

Food fair is THE very thing I miss about the fair! Ashley's friend had a red velvet funnel cake with cream cheese icing. He loved it, her---not so much! LOL! My cousin was hunting the fried butter, but never found it and opted for the fried ho-ho's instead. Your brother's fried peanut butter and jelly sounds really interesting! ...this comment is making my stomach rumble with want! :) ...Maybe next year!

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Oh, they did bring me a carmel apple with nuts...enjoying it now! :)