Tuesday, October 11, 2011



I wore two different earrings to school today.  Good thing no one noticed until I told my friend.  She then shared that she had on blue socks with black pants and shoes.  Good day for both of us.

I walked in the rain this afternoon.  I was hoping it would just be misty and I could get my walk in completely before it rained.  I was more drippy than dry when I got home.

The food we made for the fair is just about gone.  The teachers fell upon it at lunch yesterday like they were vultures going after the kill.  They approved of the flavors.  Some wanted more. 

Up until a few minutes ago there was still flour on the kitchen table from the weekend. 

I have a mountain of clothes to fold.  What is it with them?  Can't they learn to fold themselves?

Wesley is sharing with Mikayla that he shot a squirrel with a BB gun.  He's all excited and she's telling him that isn't nice.  Oh, the difference between boys and girls.

We did a craft today involving a LOT of glue.  Thankfully, no kids were stuck to their desks.

I just read an article on "weird news" that three senior citizens were hospitalized after eating marijuana laced brownies at a funeral.  Apparently, the brownies were made to honor the deceased who had used medical marijuana.  I can honestly say that was one strange article.

Anything strange happen in your world today?


Sandy said...

I'm with Wesley on the squirrels... Send him over!

The only strange thing that has happened for me today is that about 30 minutes ago when I thought I'd go to bed, RLS started (Restless Leg Syndrome) so there's no sense getting in bed because I'd just lay there & squirm.

Mich said...

So what you are saying is you had a pretty normal day?

Hope tomorrow is peaceful.

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

I'm with Mich...sounds like a pretty normal day! LOL! ---albeit, interesting! :)

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

...Oh, and I am pretty jealous that I wasn't one of the lucky teachers to sample some of your fair leftovers!!! :)