Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Let's just say this is some interesting moss. It was growing on the slave homes at Boone Hall Plantation. I have never seen orange moss... and it may not even be moss!! I thought it was quite lovely in color.

I did not go to school today and teach.

I was just a "Mom" on a field trip.

It is so nice to just be "Mom" and not make sure all of the kids are there and such for a field trip. Field trips can actually be quite stressful for a teacher. You just never know if someone has "escaped" or if you forgot the lunches (Been there, DONE THAT) or if all children have been accounted for. I have found myself in the past at Wesley and Mikayla's field trips having panic moments because I wasn't paying attention and then realizing I DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION. :)

We went to a local park/forest area for the field trip. It is good to learn about something you are teaching at the very moment to your own students. lol Yes, I am sure you'll be seeing pictures of that soon, too. Of course, you have to see the Zoo ones first.....



when I finally work on them.

1 comment:

Mich said...

So glad you could just be "Mom" today.

Hope you are having a beautiful week!