Saturday, April 17, 2010


Here are some of Wesley and Mikayla's ten year pics. They look so grown in these. I didn't think there was that much of a difference in how they looked from last year, but when I compared the two years I was surprised. Hope you enjoy seeing these.....


Anonymous said...

Anytime ,anyday I am ready to see these two gifts of God. My girl friend says there is something about them that keeps you spellbound on their eyes. You are right they are so grown looking in these pictures. I am still getting over the play stove!! Love!

Mich said...

They are adorable.

Happy Sunday!

Amy said...

Such great pictures of you kiddos. They are looking so grown up!!

Gretchen said...

I love that 1st one of Wesley. He reminds me of a little Kirk Cameron for some reason. :)