Monday, April 26, 2010


Here is a man who spoke the "Gullah" language of the slaves that lived on Boone Hall Plantation. He did a presentation for us and it was so good. It helped me understand why certain traditions and thoughts are still carried on today.

Here are the slave cabins. These are the only remaining ones left. I believe there were over 30 here at one time.

I can't imagine living in that with my family. I am just thankful slavery is no longer practiced here. We are ALL created in the image of God and should be treated as such. Unfortunately, all over the world there is mistreatment in that area. May we be ones that see others of different color/cultures as special in God's eyes. God sent His Son to die for ALL.


Mich said...

When I look at pictures like this, it is no wonder why people have past down a lot of angry feelings.

I'm with you. God said He "loved the WORLD." He never said He liked one masterpiece better than another.

hope you are having a beautiful day.

wendy said...

Lately, while reading your blog, I've been feeling like I'm on a field trip. And since I've never been to a plantation before, it's been rather educational! So much history!