Friday, December 05, 2008


I took this picture on our walk around Hyco Lake a few weekends ago. It struck me odd when I photographed it, because I took it in color, but it looks black and white with some color put back in because of the angle it was photographed. It became a favorite from that day. Thought it was fitting for this time of year.

Today was a busy, busy day but overall good. Lot's was accomplished with our Craft Day and then another superb play practice. I am just shaking my head at how well these kids are doing. They are amazing.

I heard some news today that made my "Mother's Heart" stop for a second. A friend of mine knows some people who has an seven/eight year old niece. This little girl was not feeling well and the mother took her to the doctor this past Tuesday or Wednesday where they said she had a sinus infection/bronchitis. They put her on antibiotics and said if she wasn't better by Friday (I believe, today) then just bring her back on Friday and they'd see what else to give her. Well, Wednesday night the little girl got up in the middle of the night saying she couldn't breathe and was really having a hard time. The Daddy told her to go the bathroom to get ready because he was taking her to the ER. She passed out in the bathroom ... and I believe was not breathing ...and when they got her to the hospital it was found she had a horrible case of pneumonia. They put her on a ventilator to help with breathing but it has been found she has had no brain activity since she's been on it. They are going to have to make the choice on whether to take her off the ventilator this weekend.


And it's Christmas.

And she's seven/eight years old.

My eyes are welling up with tears even thinking about that. Knowing your child was perfectly healthy last week and now this... I can't imagine what they are going through right now. My heart has broken for those people. I have prayed for them today. I so wanted to ask "Why?" but know that is not for me to ask. God knows, even when we don't, why things happen the way they do. All things... even these horrible things, are for a reason. Look at what He endured when He sent His Son knowing He was born to die for our sins. He understands the pain.

This reminded me of one of our songs from the play. This song has already spoken to me as we have been practicing, but I felt it fit for what I just found out today about this family.

"When You Can't See the Forest for the Trees"

When you feel like the stars have stopped shining;
And the sun just can reach where you are.
And when you're feeling afraid and forgotten,
Like you're left all alone in the dark.
It's so easy to say there's a God up in Heaven,
but sometimes, He's so hard to see.
But yet we have found if we just learn to trust Him,
He's got everything we could need.

If we had God's eyes and could see to forever,
We'd never have to struggle to believe.
We'd understand why,
And in all of our questions,
We know what the answers would be.
But we have faith enough to know,
God is always in control,
When we can't see the forest for the trees.

There are times when we wait and we wonder.
And we question the sound of His call.
In the silence we learn how to listen,
And we find He's been there through it all.
He's longing to lead us from where we are waiting.
He wants us to reach out our hands.
And with every step we're a little bit closer,
To all that the Father has planned.

We have faith enough to know,
God is always in control,
When we can't see the forest for the trees.


Unknown said...

My heart goes out to those people. I can not even imagine how they are feeling right now....
I will be thinking of them.

Morgan said...

Wow.....I can't imagine. All the "what if's" they must be going through. Prayers are going up for them for sure tonight.

YOU need to get out of my head! I have sooooo needed the words to that song these past couple of weeks. I was on the verge of a panic attack one morning because I got myself so wound up with worry about our move and stuff coming out way over the next few weeks. I'm am printing this out to carry with me. THANK YOU for bringing this to me when I needed it most!!!!!

Amy said...

Wow, I can't even imagine what those parents are going through... That is incredibly sad and heartbreaking.

The first shot with the selective color is so pretty!