Friday, September 05, 2008


Here is another picture of one of the old cars from last Saturday. :)

I have been "tagged" by my blogging/"old" friend Gretchen!

I am supposed to tell all of you six unique things about me, so here goes:

1. I could live off of chocolate.... really

2. I am basically one hour early to work every day. (around 6:35am)

3. I like to pop my gum when I chew it. (I annoy a lot of people, but I can really get going when I'm thinkin')

4. I can yell realllllllly loudly. (I am always asked to call the names at carpool when it rains. I could probably win the Spivey's Corner Hollerin' contest!)

5. I am ritualistic when I clean.

6. If I had no concern about money I would travel all around the world.

Now, I am going to "tag" some of my other friends in bloggerland. They now have to do this on their blogs! :)

Rantings of a Sane Man
SlapShot Sal
(this one could include Morgan, Sal!!!)
Gavette's Blog
Get Real
Life with Kids
Just Being Aimlyss

If I've tagged you, then post 6 unusual things about yourself with a link back to me.
Then, tag, you're it!
Go tag 6 of your fave's


Amy said...

I kinda figured you were ritualistic when you clean. Me too :-) :-)

Ok I change mine.. I could live off of boiled peanuts AND chocolate. Oh chocolate is scrumptious!

Amy who is off to go get a piece of chocolate now :-)

Amy said...

Kellie, those are fun facts about you! I'm going to think about what I'll write about myself and get them up soon. Amy :)