Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Today has been just plain crazy. I got up late this morning because our dear, sweet kittens decided at 2:00 am that it was playtime again. lol I went back to bed shortly after allowing them to go find another joyful area of our home in which to sleep the remainder of the night, but apparently didn't hear my alarm when I should have!! lol I still got to school on time, though. :)

Today my students made beaver lodges (homes) out of chocolate and pretzels. What a hardship to eat those chocolate/pretzel creations. lol They loved it. I am always excited when I do things like that with them.

I figured since I am talking about animals, and since I am in the middle of teaching a unit on the different animals in God's Creation, I thought I would show you these pics of a "Writing Spider" I captured at Farm Days. These would have turned out better if I had had my tripod, but I thought they turned out quite great considering I had to get THAT close to a spider THAT big. lol

I am creeped out by spiders, but these always amaze me. If you have never seen one of these "Writing Spiders" in real life, they make a zig-zag pattern on their web and sit behind it waiting for their prey. I photographed another one at a friend's house the other day that we had hoped would have had the zig-zag, but he had wrapped up a large grasshopper in that pattern!! We'll see if I can ever get a picture of that. Again, notice the detail of this spider. It continues to amaze me that our great God made all of the animals so differently.

This is the backside of the spider. You can see where his thread for his web comes out of the brown spot on his abdomen. Check out his tasty meal.

From what I understand, spiders have eight eyes. (I am sure my brother will correct me if I am wrong!) You can see his eyes on the "underside" of the white head area.


Sal Cartusciello said...

Umm, you lost Casey with these pictures. And if he did stay, he is now hiding in a corner. :-0

wendy said...

I only teach 3 science units: energy, plants, and solar system. They planned that all out before I started teaching there. We do 1/2 year history and 1/2 science. I was wondering. . .what are your exciting ideas for jazzing up that history book??? Last year in the patriotic holidays section, we had a red, white & blue party (where we served only red, white & blue food) on the day our school celebrated vet's day. We had vets (mostly grandpas) come in and share, and that was really neat.

Unknown said...

Meanest....post...ever.....thanks for THOSE images right before bed....

Amy said...

I am TERRIFIED of spiders and I clicked on these to see more detail... EEEEWWWWW!!!!!!!! I will admit though, you are so brave to get so close, great shots! I've never thought about where the thread comes from, so cool to see that and I had no idea they have so many eyes! I have NEVER seen a spider so close in all my life!!!

Morgan said...

Uh, Kellie....you know I love you and your pictures, but this is NOT my favorite entry. I DO NOT like spiders. You can ask Sal--he gets to peel me off the ceiling even when the smallest one is spotted in the house. ewwwwwwwww.........

Amy said...

ewwwwwwwwww I HATE spiders but I must say those are really neat pictures. Spiders are really an amazing creature.

Kevin said...

The "brown spot" is called a spinneret. Great pics!