Thursday, September 11, 2008


Seven years ago today.

I am sure you all can recall where you were. I am sure you all have thought of it as the day progressed.

I was teaching my second graders in my old room, which used to be downstairs in the building where I now teach upstairs.

I remember so well one of the staff members coming in telling me a plane had flown into one of the World Trade Center towers. At first we thought it was a weird thing and sad but nothing more. Nothing like we would in our world today.

It seemed like just a moment later and she was back again, telling me another plane had hit the other tower. We knew then this was no accident.

By this time I am a bit panicked, but didn't want to show the kids so I kept teaching my Bible lesson. A bit later she came in to tell me another plane had hit the Pentagon. By this point, my knees became weak and I began to realize this was something so serious and totally beyond anyone's control. Shortly thereafter we found out about the fourth plane that went down in Pennsylvania.

I stopped class and told them that some bad things had happened and we just needed to pray. I honestly didn't know WHAT to pray!!

I remember watching the TV as the towers began to fall. I remember calling Steve and thanking the Lord He was on the other line because I knew so many people wouldn't get that ever again.

What did I feel that day? Like anyone I felt shock, horror, unbelief, anger, sadness... I can remember coming home that day and turning on the television to see what had happened.... to see the carnage of terror.

I had always felt safe, but now I felt so vulnerable. I can remember when airplanes were allowed to fly again after the attacks that I would always wonder if one was going to crash on us. You know, that thought still crosses my mind even today.

Our world changed forever that day.

Many people questioned God during those dark days. WHY would He allow something like this to happen to us? WHY would all of those innocent people be killed over such a senseless act?

That began many months of learning to CLING to the Lord and hang on for dear life. We had no net... how was the Lord going to take care of us when our whole world, literally, was falling to pieces?!

We held on.

He never failed because He was always there.

I was reading in my devotions this morning and read this verse:
Psalm 91:4-5
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night: nor the arrow that flieth by day.

Do I look back on the last seven years and still wonder why God allowed this terrible tragedy to happen? Yes, and I think God understands that, but it is a time to remember that God is in control and allows things to happen to cause us to draw nearer to Him.

Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

Seven years later we remembered those that gave their lives that fateful day in September, 2001. We had moments of remembrances at school today at the times when each of the planes struck. We prayed for the families of those left behind. We prayed for our nation.

I looked out on a sea of faces who had just recently been born when these attacks happened. They don't really know the pain of that day. May we always strive to teach them to never forget the lives that were given that day, and since, for their freedom.

I had tears in my eyes today.

I remember. I will not forget.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I remember 9/11/01 vividly. I was asleep when Wayne called me from the gym to turn on the tv, the first plane had just hit. My sister worked in those towers and he was concerned for her. She worked in the two that fell and also #7. Fortunately, she had worked for 70+ days straight (on the US Open) and took the day off (the US Open ended Sunday and she finished her paperwork Monday). She was supposed to go to yoga just down the street, but was too tired and slept in. She saw both planes hit (photographed it), lost friends and coworkers. We weren't able to get in touch with her for a couple of hours and were panicked, all of my family members were calling each other looking for updates. The relief we felt was amazing. It was a true blessing from God that she didn't go to work that day...too bad she doesn't see it that way. To her, it was fate/luck/whatever. Amy