My Dad gave her and Wesley these shirts that say "YES, I was raised in a barn" last year from the NC State Fair. She looks a bit like she was raised in a Zoo with those glasses. lol Apparently, my "teacher wanna be" was "reading to her class" and needed "FIVE MORE MINUTES." What a hoot.
Wesley got a tree frog from one of my best friends the other day. He was beyond excited and we told him he could keep him for a couple of days. We knew the poor thing would do well to survive. He was taken to church on Sunday (Wesley even had to go to the van between Sunday School and church in order to check on him), then to school on Monday. The little guy was the hit of the day! Steve even went "cricket hunting" just so he could feed the little fella. Well, alas, last night when Wesley went to let him go, we found out he had been LOVED TO DEATH. Yes, that is right... the frog was dead. Not surprising considering how many times Wesley handled him. He was well fed.. and well loved. I hope he had a happy ending. Wesley was quite disturbed today when he went to check on his dead friend and found out ants were eating it. I told him that is the "circle of life"... "food chain"... etc. We need a science lesson. Can everyone get their lighters out? Can you hear "Circle of Life" from The Lion King?
No papers to grade tonight. I have traded papers for a weeks worth of laundry that needs folding. UGH. :)
I am sure I will hear all about the death of his friend. I hope I won't give him the "I-told-you-so" eyes while saying soothing words. Please tell me if I do. Maybe this will be a lesson to him so he will be able to get you-know-what all the sooner. Who knows???
You need to get the kids to fold the laundry. Cassie does.
Love those glasses.
What a cutie-pie Mikayla is! And poor Wesley, he's loved at least two of his critters to death, hasn't he?
That's too cute! The girls have the same bed set - that is of course the first thing they saw.
LOL....actually her shirt looks like it says "I was raise in a bar"
lol---thanks for the clarification!
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