Well, lets just say that last night we didn't get a lot of sleep. At least the kids and I didn't. lol Steve slept just fine. The kittens were a silly mess! Isabelle slept with me and Sampson slept with the kids for the first part of the night. I was so scared I was going to roll over and crush Isabelle because she is so little!!
Isabelle decided around 1:30 or so to wake up and probably need to go to the bathroom. I took her to the litter box where she quickly looked at me like I was crazy and got out. (I found out a little later that she decided to use the bathroom where SHE wanted to go. lol... We're working on that!!!) She then comes back into our room after crying to find out where all the "people" were and I put her on the bed with me again. She felt so good and rested at that point that she wanted to play! It was 2:00 am!!! Not playing time for sure!!! She rolled and purred and "kneeded dough" on me and was just so happy to be with me.
I realized if i didn't get any sleep I wouldn't make it through church today!! I put her outside our door and closed our door. She made her way to Mikayla's room to where Sampson was and the kids put her in the bed with all of them. There they all "slept" the rest of the night. Too funny, but again, not a lot of sleep going on. I know each night will get better because they will learn where everything is. Wesley passed out on the couch at Mom's today because as he put it "I didn't sleep at ALL last night!" :)
The kids have been really responsible about doing their part. I am proud of them for taking on the task and not complaining. Of course, they know it is expected to stay that way after the new wears off, too. lol
Yesterday we had Tropical Storm Hanna blow through here. We got over 4 inches of rain! God has blessed us in so many ways this year to get us out of the drought we were in last year.
After the storm was over the clouds began to clear and the blue sky began to peek through. Steve and I were talking about how pretty it always is after a storm. Steve said it was almost like the storm "cleans" the atmosphere and makes everything sparkly again.
I told Steve it reminded me of the analogy of God taking us through storms of our lives. He is the "Peace in the Midst of the Storm." When we feel like our world is going topsy turvy and blown every way, when we feel there is no hope, God is there and has His hands firmly holding us. Then, when the storm is over, we begin to see those blue skies that promise us God has never left... He's been there the whole time taking care of us while that stormed passed by.
It was interesting that our pastor spoke on that today. I love when the Lord brings things like that together to continually learn something. Pastor was talking about the time the disciples were in the boat on the Sea of Galilee and the storm broke out. They were all "alone" in the boat and Jesus was on the mountaintop praying. Pastor spoke about how calmly Jesus walked on the water out to the boat and told the disciples to not be afraid. Pastor shared with us that it is kind of hard NOT to be afraid when your boat is taking on water, you have been rowing for hours upon hours and just don't see the shoreline and the winds and the waves are enough to cause you to tremble. Yet... Jesus' first words to His disciples that night were: "It is I, be not afraid."
With Christ we need not fear when the storms of life blow us around and toss us to and fro. We need to always trust and remember that God KNOWS all about our trials and tribulations, but He is there holding us and reminding us to "not be afraid" for the blue sky will return. In the process of it all we will draw closer to Him. It is something I continue to learn daily.
Your little kitties sound so funny and full of mischief! Love all of your truck shots, but the second one is really cool because of the perspective. Amy :)
Hi Kellie, That is one of my favorite passages, Jesus in the boat! It gives us such security doesn't it! So glad that the kittens are making your home, their home! The picture of the chevrolet truck is amazing!
Hope you guys get caught up on your sleep!
Oh, and I agree with you on the sky Saturday after Hanna passed! My husband and I were riding down the road discussing how clear and beautiful it was! Glad you fared well...we did too! And were very thankful for the rain! :) ~Rhonda
Sparkling red Chevy. Great pictures.
We had the same sermon a couple of months ago, and you know with me, I can use lots of calming. :-) So, reading it again from you is good for me.
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