Thursday, July 31, 2008


How fun are these jellybeans? I photographed these a few weeks ago. These are some we got at a candy store in the mountains and they called my name!! Steve couldn't believe I had photographed them. lol

We have recently had a murder in a neighborhood near us. It was quite shocking because where we live we just don't think of it happening near us. The woman supposedly went out jogging and never returned. The authorities found her body a few days later after a call from a man walking his dog said he found a body. It is quite sad and the authorities are keeping things very "tight-lipped."

While watching the news the other day, it seems our local news station is going to court against the authorities in this case because the records are sealed and will be sealed for a while. The news station says that "the public has a right to know" about what has happened.

I don't agree with that.

WHY do we have a right to know about what has happened to this woman? The authorities have already stated this was not a random act of violence from the evidence they have received. We are not in danger of someone stalking and killing people. In my opinion, the news only wants this just to make more news and to be nosy. While I like to be informed of what is going on, I don't think a news station should demand information to a case just because "the public should know." I would rather have those records sealed for the month while those investigating it can get out and find more information than have "he said/she said" plastered all over the news. We see enough of that anyway. The information should come out when the authorities feel it is time.

Steve and I just kind of shook our heads over this. Let the authorities do their job without the media constantly sticking their nose into it. While I want to see whoever did this to the woman to be brought to justice, I don't need to know every detail of her last moments.

Enough of that....

Off to have a picnic in the middle of the den floor tonight. We are watching The Incredibles while eating homemade pizza. (The kids put it together) We are supposed to get bad storms tonight. I pray we get some rain... we truly need it.


Sal Cartusciello said...

While I agree with you to a point because this was not a "random act", I think that you can't separate what can and can not be revealed in each individual case. To me it needs to be all avaiable to the media, and let them show responsibility and only tell what is necessary.

Again, I am a news junkie, so I'm not totally normal. :-)

Anonymous said...

Kellie- I too, have watched this story unfold. Tragic. As for your comments...amen!-mch

Morgan said...

Well I see both sides. As far as the media being 'responsible'--really? All they want are the gory, titillating details so they can boost their ratings. "If it bleeds it leads" that IS the motto. And b/c it looks like the husband may be the lead suspect in this--even more compelling. If all they wanted to do was report the facts and help the investigation--have at it. But we all know the only info they want.

Now for those jelly beans. Who'da thunk something so simple would take such a gorgeous picture! I love all those colors. Do they taste as good as they look? ; )

Sweetie said...

I just happened upon your beautiful blog. We lost our oldest daughter eight months ago in a double homicide. The police think that this was a hate crime directed at our daughter. We thought that this doesn't happen in families like ours. The case is unsolved and there has been nothing in the media since December 29 despite the fact that I have contacted newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations. Our family feels like our daughter has been forgotten. The details of the crime are horrendous but, if it would help in solving the crime, I want the world to know.