Tuesday, July 22, 2008



Lazy days of summer.... that is what I call this photo even though I technically took it during the spring. Which "version" do you like better? I am thinking I like the black and white but the acid wash is pretty cool, too. I saw this at Wesley and Mikayla's end of the year picnic and it called out to me to photograph it. I just liked the whole scene...

Yesterday we went school supply shopping. That time already. I like to allow the kids to get things they like but within reason. I remember the joy I used to get over picking out a new school bag, pencil pouch or even notebooks!! I was young when Trapper Keepers first came on the scene. You knew you were "it" when you had one of those! As a teacher, I hate those things now. lol They are too bulky and the kids in the lower grades don't need all of that room and "stuff." We had an interesting time with my best friend and her girls. Interesting because we were everywhere in the school section at once. Interesting because we kept "losing" Wesley who was off checking out something and didn't realize we had gone to the next area. Interesting because I teach second grade and should know the list by heart but I was in a "panic" wanting to make sure I got everything "just so!" HELLO... chill, Kellie, chill...

Wesley and Mikayla got to choose a few things that I was thinking needed to be a bit cheaper. I wanted to get the $.97 three-ring binders instead of the ones that cost over $2.00. Really, all they are using them for is for paper storage. BUT... the little bell went off in my head that those cheap ones were dependable and useful, but they didn't really have "spizazz" to them. I gave in and allowed for some color to come forth with a notebook that cost over $2.00... but under $3.00. Can't be spending ridiculous amounts of money for storage, now, can we?

On to the folders. Having experienced folders as a teacher 24 times a day/5 days a week, I am good in the folder department. Folders need to be sturdy and boys need their own special kinds of folders because they seem to do strange things to them without even touching them. They need the "Hefty" version of folders. I hope I found those for Wesley. I got him the ones that are a plasticy material and they came in the basic colors of blue, green, yellow and red. Wesley being Wesley we used tractor terms to describe them. "Wesley, let's get the John Deere green folder for your daily work. You can use the John Deere gold for your book bag and the Farmall Red can be for Spanish." Wesley: "That is good, Mom... Farmall Red looks like Spanish, you know." Mikayla chose the cute and cuddly folders. I don't worry about her folders... hers held up so well last year that I just replaced the one with our extra we had bought because I got tired of seeing it. lol

Art boxes, crayons, colored pencils, markers, glue, etc... all of those were thrown into the cart as well. I get a bit obsessive over the wide ruled notebook paper. I want to get it now cheaply and have it on hand so when they come home and need some I can just plop it right in their book bag. You wouldn't believe the stack I still have from last year and they never really used it in first grade!! I now have around 10 stacks to add to my five I still have... you think I'll have enough????

Glue... oh, the glue. I bought tons of the stuff. Now, in my defense, a lot of it was also for school for ME, but I really became obsessive... again. I don't want to be worrying about going out and buying them new glue when they run out. And, believe me, they'll do so much with glue this year, it will be often that they will need some.

Pencils... Oh, goodness. I bought MORE pencils and have a drawer full right now. Again, though, seeing as I teach the grade, I know they'll be going through a lot of pencils this year, too. Again... goes back to that experiencing it first hand thing I mentioned above.

I've got to find my green and purple electrical tape I bought last year. This will be used to wrap around the ends of every pencil, marker, etc... so my children will know those are their items! Apparently last year I caused a bit of embarrassment by doing that. Do I really care? Not really. I see too many pitiful crayons, markers, glue sticks and pencils that cry out my name each afternoon after school because no one knows whose they are. Poor things... they have to go to the Lost and Found can only to be thrown out eventually. Not for MY children! Oh no.... they'll be able to spot theirs a mile away with the green or purple electrical tape.

They really are going to "hate" me for that one day, huh?

Off to sort all of this "stuff." We just got it out of the van this afternoon. I am in no rush because that means I'll be back to rushing again. Not ready for that. Shhhh.... let's just not talk about it.


Unknown said...

I used to love to go school shopping. I still like it when I get a nice new pen or pencil for no reason :) Heather and I had an English Teacher in High School, Hi Mrs D, that always used a purple pen. She was the only one in the whole school who used it. Your tape reminded me of that :) How many more days to go?

Sal Cartusciello said...

Morgan and Cassie went school supply shopping today. I stayed behind, because it is not my favorite thing, and I will always push for the 99 cent item. :-)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the black and white picture! That is state fair worthy!!

OK, Miss Teacher, please tell me which kind of pencil to buy with GOOD erasers that actually ERASES!!! That irks me to no end for erasers just to smear the lead all over the page!!


Morgan said...

Wow, woman...I've never known anyone put as much thought into school supply shopping as you apparently do! I guess that comes with being a teacher....lol....
Yep, I leave Sal home for back to school shopping. He's right--"why do you need the notebook with the kittie on the front, just get the plain cover"; "new backpack? I used mine for 10 years--why do you need a new one" OY--I remember the fun of picking out the cute school supplies as a kid and loved thumbing thru all my stuff when I got home with it. I like the Cassie will have the same memory. I wish Sal had the same fond memories! ; )

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

I love your pictures...they are SO beautiful. We must be around the same age because I remember the "IT" factor that came with buying the Trapper Keepers when they first came out. Very funny...brought back those school year memories.:)

Gretchen said...

LOVE the black and white ... I would frame it if I had a lake house.

Ahhh... school supply shopping. A fun time of year! Everything is so fresh and new and ....

Amy said...

Beautiful photo, I love them both! My poor girls don't really get to go back-to-school shopping, we don't lose anything and amazingly, they last for more than one year! I guess all of the books and such that I buy count, but not so fun for them. :)

Glynis, the white erasers work really well, the brand we have starts with "wh" and looks like it has an "l" or two at the end. Maybe "Whitehall", it's been pretty much rubbed off. I don't let the girls use red ones, just makes such a mess! I'm sure they came from Target. HTH!

Anonymous said...

Had to write! We just went school supply shopping (my favorite kind of shopping!) and I too have a plethora of glue, pencils, folders, just in case! It becomes way more expensive later so I can't stand to buy it then. So I just make sure I won't run out of those things!! I also have let the girls have more "fun" folders with the horses, dogs, etc. on it. After years of the normal colors, I decided it was time to live a little and cough up a little more dough to let them have the pretty ones! They enjoyed using them so much more!! OK, off I go! Love you lots!