Monday, July 28, 2008


I've been MIA the last few days....

Took these pictures of a shell not long after I got my new macro lens. I love the first one especially. I showed these today because....

Today I spent the entire day with my best friend. Her daughters and the kids and I all went to the beach for the day and it was SO much fun. Now, I will admit that I hate the sand and how it gets everywhere, but I love the sounds of the ocean and the peacefulness that comes from it. It is another opportunity to be a part of the Creation we have been given by the Lord. I am so thankful for its diversity.

On a funny note... and a picture that will have to be shown when I upload them... we had sea gulls "attack" us today while eating lunch. They kept swooping down to try to capture any bread crumbs that may have fallen. I figured this would be a wonderful opportunity to capture nature shots so I am reaching for my camera and trying to take pictures of these birds right above our heads. Well, in the process of taking a few shots I felt something... it wasn't something I wanted to feel. You guessed it, one of the stinking birds pooped on me. HA!!! I was actually quite calm and my best friend took a picture of it, but I have now been "christened" by a bird. My brother knows how it feels so I called him after we finally got it off. What a highlight of my day. he heee....

The kids are burnt in spots even after SPF 50 and so are parts of me. I look like a bit of a raccoon where my sun visor didn't quite cover my face, but, hey... gotta love the beach.

Off to get to bed. It has been a long day but we made lots of memories. Hope you did, too. :)


Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

I can't wait to see the bird attack picture. The same thing happened to us a few years ago and I did catch the best pictures ever..but not digital. Such a bummer!:) They are so ferocious with the food, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

Hi Kellie... Thank you for visiting me, via Rhonda's! I appreciate your kind comments and I do hope you'll come back, anytime... I am enjoying the Encouraging Words Wednesday, too... Loved your beach story... LOL ...I am a beach lover, but can do without the gulls... Take care...


Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

I am near the Piedmont Triad airport. We'll have to plan a big blog meet and greet this year. Lots of us in NC.
Oh, just found out that the picture that makes my post this morning wasn't appearing. It's there now...that post must not have made sense AT ALL! much to learn about this blogging thing.

Amy said...

Beautiful shell shots, you got some great DOF. I hate sand, but like the beach too! We went one day when we were in San Diego, the kids had a blast, but I was so glad we were in a rental car and that sand didn't get all over my car! When I take them to Lake Tahoe (the beach is five mins away), I make them shower and clean up there before letting them in my car. :)