Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I am so realizing that I have posted the same pictures again.  I loaded them this past weekend and am not on the main computer.  Just think of it as revisiting beauty at Monticello.

I am so thankful to say that life has gotten a little calmer in the last day or so.  Things are beginning to settle down.  I still came home today and had good intentions of getting something done, but when I sat down to rest a minute, I fell asleep pretty much immediately.  :)  Nothing like a 10 minute power nap to get you jump started and groggy all at the same time!

Found this quote today and thought it was great.  Hope it gives you food for thought today!

"Faith is a sounder guide than reason. Reason can go only so far, but faith has no limits."
-Blaise Pascal

1 comment:

Sandy said...

What a good reminder! Reason doesn't seem to have any reason in some things lately, so I'm sure glad that faith has no limits!
Glad you got a power nap!!! I've never been good at those... it's all or none for me (as w/most other things...) I can do a good 2 hour one on Sundays sometimes, though.