Monday, August 30, 2010


Today we were at the bank cashing a check.

One of the tellers asked Wesley and Mikayla what would satisfy them... and she said she knew they couldn't get money so what else would satisfy them. (She was wanting to give them a sucker.)

Mikayla, without batting an eye, told the teller "Money doesn't satisfy me."

The lady was a bit shocked to hear her say that and, I'll admit, I was too!!! I know how my daughter loves to earn her some money. :)

The lady never did ask her what DID satisfy her so I thought I would.

She said "God's Word."

It did my Mother's Heart good to hear that. I know that isn't always on the forefront of her mind, just as it isn't always on the forefront of many adult minds, but hearing that from her was a glimpse of what we are teaching them at home.

I pray she will always feel that way and that it isn't a "standard answer" because that is what she thinks people want to hear, but that it is truly from her heart.

She was correct today, though... Only the Lord can satisfy.

Psalm 90:14
O satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness,
That we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.


Anonymous said...

Mama, I know that made you proud, It made me proud just to read it.Praise the Lord. Love!!

Gretchen said...

Way to go!!! Sometimes its okay to be very proud of our children :)