Thursday, August 19, 2010


I just have something to say:

I hate non-sharpening, too much wood, easily breaking pencils.

Do you realize that the way pencils are made nowadays are not right??? The lead is not in the MIDDLE of the pencil anymore and you get sharpened pencils that have sharpened WOOD and some lead on the side.

Can you tell that I have sharpened a lot of those pencils in the last week?

My poor students are having a time with those pencils... and SO AM I.

I miss our old fashioned fully lead pencils from the time of "Noah's Ark"when I was in school. The lead may have given you some lead poisoning but at least it sharpened right! ha!!

More views from Maine.... Still in Acadia National Park but on the interior area.

We had hoped to take a carriage ride when we saw they had them, but they were full for the day. Mikayla was so sad about that.... she was longing to get near the horses, can you tell?

Eagle Lake... made from glaciers receding... just beautiful.

On top of Cadillac Mountain.... the highest mountain on the East COAST. It was chilly up there... can you tell?

We called Mom "Chief" the rest of the day. lol

On a "normal" day when there is no fog you can actually see for MILES. Of course, when we are there it is so foggy you can hardly see off the mountain.

Island off of Bar Harbor... this was my "staple" thing to photograph while up there. lol

Yes, we are cold and the wind is blowing pretty hard.



This is the actual town of Bar Harbor! It was neat to see it from a different elevation!

Wesley and Mikayla pose at a stop as we were driving back down the mountain....

Now the whole family.... and it is still windy if you can't tell.

So beautiful to me....
Have I mentioned lately how much I loved Maine?


wendy said...

Oh, don't even get me started on the junky pencils that are out there. They are a thorn in every teacher's flesh. I got lucky last year because the teacher before me had made out the supply list and requested TRY-REX pencils available at the local teacher stores. They are amazing! Cost a little more, but lasted the whole entire year. The lead is super hard and stays sharp for a good long while. I'm hooked on them for primary kids.

Gretchen said...

I LOVE that last picture! We were on Cadillac Mountain in October and it was C-O-L-D.
Love that view!!!