Tuesday, August 24, 2010


As we were leaving Cadillac Mountain that day we passed by other small towns to get to Bar Harbor. I just couldn't get enough of the boats in the marinas. I made Kevin stop the van so I could get out and walk to the docks to capture this. lol

My first lobster roll..... it is basically lobster in a hotdog bun. lol This one was good... but the one I had the next night was even better!

Looking out over Bar Harbor. I love this picture.....
We are still listening to a trumpet blasting around here. Wesley was playing it at 5:40 this morning. lol At least he is committed. Of course, I may need to "be committed" while he learns to play! ha!!!!


Anonymous said...

You made me laugh on that last comment. I imagine between viola, piano, and trumpet, you'll be about ready for a bed at the looney farm before too long. I promise I'll come visit you and tell you my latest fiasco.


Mich said...

I have a few musicians in training at my house too.

beautiful pictures.

Gretchen said...

I"m drooling over the lobster roll. And the picture of the harbor.