Friday, August 06, 2010



it is under a neat structure that looks like it came from Greece...

it is surrounded by a fence as you see in the picture....

it has 1620 stamped on it...

you can't touch it because it probably would have been gone long ago if they allowed it...

hence, this is why the picture looks like it does.

Here is the neat Greek looking structure where Plymouth Rock is housed.

A nice statue of Chief Massasoit from the Wampanoag tribe that helped the pilgrims.

Grave marking of the area where many of the pilgrims who died the first year were buried. The pilgrims buried them at night for fear of the Native Americans.

Statue of William Bradford

Cape Cod.... where we drove to after Plymouth. I had dreams of walking on the beach and sharing with my students that I walked where the pilgrims walked when they first came to the new world.....

Well, as you can see from the picture below it was high tide and no beach!!! So much for that memory. Basically, we just drove 2 hours south of Boston to eat supper and take these two shots. I guess that is a memory all in itself. :)

On our way to Maine we stopped in Salem, MA to see the place of the Salem Witch Trials. I couldn't take pictures in the museum, though. We walked through an old graveyard and Mikayla found this tombstone of someone who had actually been on the Mayflower. I just had to take a picture of that for my students!! :)
Anyone still reading????


mc said...

YES! I am fascinated with the lack of beach at Cape Cod! The pic of the kids on those steps is amazing!

wendy said...

Oh yes. And I'm just imagining you blowing up these pictures and having a fabulous history bulletin board without going to the teacher store for your classroom this year. I visited Plymouth Rock & all, but I was only 6 weeks old, so I don't remember much.

kathryn said...

Loving it all, as usual! Fabulous!